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Bartholomea annulata. was investigated. This is particularly the case for sedimented habitats, although there may be energetic costs associated with living in these suboptimal conditions that negatively impact growth rates. Article The oldest sponge measured (552,937.89 cm3) was estimated to be approximately 33 years old. Use the link below to share a full-text version of this article with your friends and colleagues. Unlimited viewing of the article/chapter PDF and any associated supplements and figures. Until recently, Indo-Pacific barrel sponges were believed to solely include X. testudinaria, X. exigua, and X. berguista. & Uriz, M. J. Ecol. Symonds, M. R. E. & Moussalli, A. The giant barrel sponge (Xestospongia muta) can live to be 2,300 years old, like the oldest known redwood tree. Combining the sites for model averaging, however, resulted in a larger sample size (n = 121), which is in line with previous studies22. PubMed Central Limnol. The cause of SOB is unknown, but evidence suggests that it is a result of a change in environmental factors, particularly rising water temperatures. Estuar. Turon, X., Tarjuelo, I. CAS The giant barrel sponge, Xestospongia muta, is a high microbial abundance sponge found on Caribbean coral reefs along shallow to mesophotic depth gradients where multiple abiotic factors change with depth. The use of stereo photogrammetry allows for accurate repeated 3D measurements in order to best calculate true external and spongocoel volume38, though the internal canal system remains difficult to quantify22. The size of an organism, and the population within which it resides, will likely affect the magnitude of its influence on other organisms3. Tube, barrel, and finger sponges have vertical morphologies. Specific growth rates (SGR) from 2014–2016 were used as it was the longest available time interval. While 5.9% of sponges in this study had a negative growth rate, Caribbean sponges exhibited only positive growth. Coast. Although there was no direct cause visible in the photographs, the nature of the injuries were suggestive of anchor damage. 1). It is possible that barrel sponges have specific adaptions to live in the sedimented conditions at Sampela 1 that support their success. 15, 347–400 (2006). Mar. Highly efficient particle retention, coupled with the ability to pump large quantities of water relative to their size, results in the potential to strongly modify water column characteristics by removing a large portion of available particulate food11 and dissolved organic carbon12. Employing multi-model averaging is widely considered superior in lieu of a priori model choice, but it is possible that our data support another model that we did not examine. 19, 716–723 (1974). Sponge volume data, corrected for spongocoel volume, was cube root transformed for model input, and the difference equation for each function was applied to the transformed data22,33; Initial analyses were separated by site (Buoy 1, n = 35; Kaledupa Double Spur, n = 14; Ridge 1, n = 16; Sampela 1, n = 56). Estimates of particulate organic carbon flowing from the pelagic environment to the benthos through sponge assemblages. Describing life history dynamics of functionally important species is critical for successful management. Pile, A. J., Patterson, M. R., Savarese, M., Chernykh, V. I. 1). This proposal addresses part of that gap in our knowledge by measuring the pumping rates of the most conspicuous sponge on Caribbean reefs, the giant barrel sponge, Xestospongia muta. The much faster growth rates described in this study compared to those reported in the Caribbean may partly explain the high abundance at low quality sites. Science (80-.). A brief guide to model selection, multimodel inference and model averaging in behavioural ecology using Akaike’s information criterion. This method entails examining the fit of a range of candidate models to the data based on parsimony according to Akaike Information Criterion (AIC)34,35, allowing for robust comparisons between models which could not otherwise be compared31. Prog. McGrath, E. C., Smith, D. J., Jompa, J. The models with highest support were then averaged and compared across sites using an analysis of the residual sum of squares (ARSS). Unlimited viewing of the article PDF and any associated supplements and figures. (Springer Science & Business Media, 2003). continue to grow at comparable rates across sites, even in those that might be considered less than optimal (e.g. & Dulvy, N. K. Avoiding fishy growth curves. No environmental data were collected for the sites sampled in the wider WMNP, although previous studies have provided environmental descriptions28. Significant pairwise comparisons were not detected at Lee Stocking Island and are not reported. du CNRS 291, 271–282 (1979). The datasets generated and analysed during the current study are available from the corresponding author on reasonable request. Given t0, size-at-age t is predicted for each growth model, and then weighted by wi to obtain the model averaged estimate of size-at-age t. Values were then cubed to obtain size (volume [cm3])-at-age plots for all sites combined. Molecular analyses are required in order to clarify this issue and fully describe the nature of the species complex. However, it is currently unknown whether such characteristics are applicable to Xestospongia spp. As such, NOAA plans an integrated set of activities combining resources from multiple programs to leverage the full weight of its eff orts (Figure 1.2). Based on bulk stable isotopic variability, sponges collected from LC were generally more enriched in 15N and less enriched in 13C as depth increased, suggesting a transition from dependency on photoautotrophy to heterotrophy as depth increased. Box 600, Wellington, 6140, New Zealand, Research and Development Centre on Marine, Coastal and Small Islands, Hasanuddin University, Makassar, Indonesia, You can also search for this author in Interestingly, what has been described as the lowest quality site in previous literature (Sampela 1) supported some of the highest sponge densities and mean volumes, yet there was no influence of site on specific growth rate or growth curves. It is possible that the timeframe of the present study was not adequate to detect periods of rapid adaptive growth during less stressful conditions. Mar. 2008) and have important ecological roles in reef ecosystems 81, 229–235 (2006). Wellingt. Some degraded reefs are characterized by high levels of sedimentation and low coral cover in this area, but support large populations of the ecologically important giant barrel sponge Xestospongia spp. Fig. The Richards equation produced values identical to those in the generalized von Bertalanffy model and as such was removed to avoid model redundancy36. Understanding the life history traits of an organism including growth, recruitment, and mortality are central to quantifying its contribution to ecosystem functioning1, as well managing species in response to environmental perturbations2. A giant barrel sponge living in the backyard of the underwater research vessel Aquarius may be one of the planet's oldest living creatures. Common Name, if available. Therefore, rather than being the Redwoods of the reefs, the faster growth rates of Xestospongia spp. Mumby, H. S. et al. Hesp, S. A., Hall, N. G. & Potter, I. C. Size-related movements of Rhabdosargus sarba in three different environments and their influence on estimates of von Bertalanffy growth parameters. 1). Mar. Scientific Name. Only 5.9% of sponges showed negative SGRs, the remaining were positive. School of Biological Sciences, Victoria University of Wellington, P.O. Get the most important science stories of the day, free in your inbox. Negative SGRs were confirmed from photographs and were only removed from analyses were they severely damaged or demonstrating severe necrosis. Choosing the appropriate models is critical as poor model selection may lead to errors in parameter estimation and subsequent inferences about growth dynamics31 and age/size estimations1,32,33. In this instance these analyses, coupled with model selection and MMI based on information theory approach, may reflect higher confidence in growth models over specific growth rate. Barthel, D. & Tendal, O. S. The sponge association of the abyssal Norwegian Greenland Sea: species composition, substrate relationships and distribution. One-way ANOVAs were used to examine the effect of site on specific growth rate, yearly gains in volume, and sponge density averaged across depths. Growth dynamics and mortality of the encrusting sponge Crambe crambe (Poecilosclerida) in contrasting habitats: correlation with population structure and investment in defence. Giant specimens may reach a diameter of up to 2 meters. Abdo, D. A. et al. Furthermore, there are several potential explanations for the disparity between Caribbean and Indo-Pacific SGRs. Estuar. Akaike, H. A new look at the statistical model identification. J. Exp. Bio. You are using a browser version with limited support for CSS. (Springer, 2002). Growth and longevity in giant barrel sponges: Redwoods of the reef or Pines in the Indo-Pacific?. To view a copy of this license, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/. Shelf Sci. PubMed Google Scholar. ADS While there were individuals that represented large sponge sites at each site, it is possible that even larger sponges present at these sites were not found and therefore underrepresented, which could affect model fit and size-at-age estimates. Demogr. A more conservative comparison places those in the Indo-Pacific at approximately 22 as compared to between 53 and 55 years of age in the Caribbean for sponges approximately 150,000 cm3 in size22 (Fig. Three species of giant barrel sponge are currently recognized in two distinct geographic regions, the tropical Atlantic and the Indo-Pacific. United Kingdom 87, 1669–1676 (2007). An alternative hypothesis is that Xestospongia spp. Thacker, R. W. Impacts of shading on sponge-cyanobacteria symbioses: a comparison between host-specific and generalist associations. Limnol. Benzekry, S. et al. could have recruited to the wreck. Sponge abundance, diet, feeding efficiency, and carbon flux. Cleary, D. F. R. & De Voogd, N. J. can shift to heterotrophic feeding in conditions less favourable to photosynthesis by its symbionts. McGrath, E.C., Woods, L., Jompa, J. et al. Mortality estimates were possible only at Buoy 1 and Sampela 1 and were variable; the highest mortality recorded was 11 individuals in one year (Sampela 1, 2014) and the lowest 3 (Buoy 1, 2015). Xestospongia spp. The considerable variability in sponge growth within a genus is a common and well recognized trait in many sponge species20,21,22,41. cyclones and disease), and predation, the majority of which is widely understudied in this region (but see48). Statistically significant shifts in community structure and dissimilarity (∼ 40%) were detected from 10 to 90 m in LC sponges, but a similar shift was not identified in sponges from 10 to 60 m at LSI (only 17% dissimilar). However, despite these features we found barrel sponges were larger and more abundant at a low quality site (as determined by published levels of high levels of sedimentation and turbidity and low coral cover, Supplementary Table 2). Interestingly, SGRs were slightly slower than that of X. muta, yet growth models supported rapid growth; published estimates of comparably sized X. muta were over twice as old as Indo-Pacific sponges (53–55 as compared to 23 years of age, respectively), although extrapolation errors are likely to increase with sponge size. As we were unable to differentiate which species were surveyed, and due to the demographic nature of the study, all sponges were treated at the level of genus. volume (cm3) at each site (±SE); (A) mean volume gained from 2014–2016 for Buoy 1 (B1), Kaledupa Double Spur (KDS), Ridge 1 (R1), and Sampela 1 (S1), and (B) mean volume across years at each site. Several different growth models were identified across sites as supported by the Akaike Information Criterion with a correction for sample size (AICc).There was not one clear model of best fit (wi > 0.9) as the model with the most support, the specialized von Bertalanffy, only had an Akaike weight of 0.533 (Table 1). 92, 534–545 (2011). 45, 369–376 (2005). Giant barrel sponges in the genus Xestospongia may be among the largest benthic invertebrates providing habitat and fulfilling ecosystem services on reefs where coral is declining. The giant barrel sponge Xestospongia muta a particularly important species; populations constitute a significant amount of overall reef biomass, are an important component of habitat heterogeneity, and filter large ... bleaching, the cause and impact of sponge bleaching was unknown. PLoS One 7, e29569 (2012). There is evidence that Caribbean X. muta share a commensal relationship with their photosynthetic cyanobacteria44,45, but this is unknown for Indo-Pacific species. density varied significantly across sites around Hoga Island and across the wider Wakatobi Marine National Park (one-way ANOVA: F2,7 = 3.889, P = 0.008; n = 268). Acorn barnacles live along rocky shores throughout the north Atlantic and north Pacific oceans. Conserv. The functional roles of marine sponges. Although the specific values of the parameters estimated by the model fit may therefore be of moderate confidence, their descriptive power can remain unaffected56. What are you researching? A guide to the classification of sponges. Biol. Fish Fish. Beardsley, H. & Britton, J. R. Contribution of temperature and nutrient loading to growth rate variation of three cyprinid fishes in a lowland river. Oceanogr. Google Scholar. The role of sponge competition on coral reef alternative steady states. ISME J. Functional Ecology 31, 2188–2198 (2017). Operation Wallacea provided funding for travel and accommodation facilitate data collection. Ecol. Acad. Zootaxa 4136, 393–396 (2016). $$SGR=({V}_{t}-{V}_{i})\,\ast \,{V}_{i}^{-1}/t$$. Mar. Pumping rates of the giant barrel sponge, Xestospongia muta on Caribbean reefs: size scaling, environmental controls, and bleaching effects Sponges are among the dominant organisms on coral reefs in terms of diversity, numerical abundance, and biomass. Hooper, J. N. A. Next Generation: Daniela Tizabi . Ecosyst. Burnham, K. P. & Anderson, D. R. Model selection and multimodel inference: a practical information-theoretic approach. Pardo, S. A., Cooper, A. Google Scholar. Res. Aiptasia pallida. Werner, E. E. & Gilliam, J. F. The ontogenetic niche and species interactions in size-structured populations. Some parameter estimates in the remaining models had moderately large standard errors, likely due to the large parameter number in candidate models (given the apparent linear trend between 2014 and 2016 sizes, Supplementary Fig. A modest-sized giant barrel sponge can pump 15,000 litres per hour, giving a weekly volume roughly equal to that of an Olympic-sized swimming pool. Barrel sponge recruitment might be low and sporadic given the small adult population size and limited connectivity28. Internet Explorer). Mar. Ecol. While there has been considerable study of Xestospongia muta in the Caribbean, the demography of Indo-Pacific Xestospongia spp. A recently published demographic study of the giant barrel sponge on the Florida Keys reefs showed population increases by ~40% between 2000 and 2006. Despite the key role of sponges as structural components, habitat providers, and nutrient recyclers in reef ecosystems, their dispersal dynamics are little understood. Google Scholar. While sponges show a range of life-history strategies, some species are thought to be very long lived, with estimated lifespans ranging from decades to thousands of years old20,21,22,23,24. Aquat. In this study, we used molecular techniques to study populations of giant barrel sponges across the globe and assessed whether the genetic structure of these populations agreed with current taxonomic consensus or, in contrast, whether there was … However, these processes are not independent of the environment and are likely to be influenced by a range of abiotic and biotic factors6. Learn more. http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/, https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-018-33294-1. Lisa Woods assisted in analyses. Bell, J. J. Can. Asterisks (*) and letters denote significant differences between sites. All significantly contributing OTUs are reported for each pair. PLoS One 9.1 (2014). However, we did find a number of barrel sponge recruits during our study challenging this suggestion, although supply was sporadic. If material is not included in the article’s Creative Commons license and your intended use is not permitted by statutory regulation or exceeds the permitted use, you will need to obtain permission directly from the copyright holder. Mean volume gain was only used for the 2015–2016 sampling event due to the small sample size of Ridge 1 sponges between 2014 and 2015. There were instances of tissue loss and partial mortality evident in photographs, often in the form of rubble burial or shearing where up to half of the sponge had been removed (Supplementary Fig. Volume was calculated by approximating geometric shapes for each sponge shape and corrected for spongocoel volume22 (described in the Supplementary Information). Coast. activity of the giant barrel sponge, Xestospongia muta Holobiont: molecular evidence for metabolic interchange. 72, 5160–5163 (1975). 4, 353–360 (2013). Three further sites were surveyed in 2014 to estimate population densities in the wider WMNP: Karang Gurita, Wanci Harbor, and Tomea (Fig. Model averaged size-at-age for all models combined. The Caribbean barrel sponge, Xestospongia muta, is a large and common member of the coral reef communities at depths greater than 10 m, and has been called the “redwood of the deep”. The impacts of predation and habitat degradation on coral reef sponges. 3). The Choptank watershed was selected by NOAA as a Habitat Focus Area (HFA) for the Habitat Blueprint Program. Ecol. corkscrew anemone. Rev. However, we do not currently have long-term population data on barrel sponges in this region, which would be needed to test this hypothesis. J. Exp. Data were collected from June to August in 2014, 2015 and 2016. Growth and regeneration of the elephant ear sponge Ianthella basta (Porifera). … 9, 178–187 (2008). CAS Barrel sponges (Xestospongia spp.) Sponges are one of the dominant fauna on Florida and Caribbean coral reefs, with species diversity often exceeding that of scleractinian corals. Aquac (2014). Aquat. MathSciNet Mar. We have monitored permanent plots on reefs off Key Largo, Florida, USA, to study the demography of a particularly important species, the giant barrel sponge, Xestospongia muta. In the third chapter, I & Bell, J. J. Adaptive mechanisms and physiological effects of suspended and settled sediment on barrel sponges. Sign up for the Nature Briefing newsletter — what matters in science, free to your inbox daily. Significant effects were investigated further with Tukey post-hoc tests. Using the model averaged size-at-age curve from the combined Hoga Island sites, the age of the largest sponge measured was estimated to be 27 years old. All statistical analyses were performed by SPSS v. 22 and in R (version 3.3.3) and plotted with SigmaPlot v. 11.0 and R. Data were tested for normality and homogeneity of variance; volume, density, and SGR were log10-transformed. Giant Barrel Sponge (Xestospongia muta) Bonaire ... say, environmental challenges, some sponges can migrate – at an astonishing rate of a few millimeters per day. in the Indo-Pacific. Maldonado, M. et al. Coast. 144, 449–462 (2004). Sponges ranged in volume from approximately 80,000 cm3 to 310,000 cm3 (n = 10). Rather than making an arbitrary choice a priori and identifying the “best” candidate model(s), multi-model inference (MMI) using model averaging can be used to estimate parameters from multiple or an entire set of candidate models in order to reduce selection uncertainty32. If sponge morphology changed over time the formulae were adapted as appropriate. It is important to note, however, that the picoplankton ingested by sponges29 are likely to have a variety of chlorophyll types, and that dissolved organic matter and heterotrophic picoplankton may provide alternative sources of food. The authors declare no competing interests. Furthermore, recent observations from deeper water sites in the Wakatobi Marine National Park (50–85 m) have found large populations of Xestospongia that all appear completely ‘bleached’ but otherwise healthy, suggesting that barrel sponges can survive in almost complete absence of the photosymbionts (Bell unpublished data). Int. However, while the growth curve in the present study reflects a similar shape to that reported in the Caribbean22, Indo-Pacific barrel sponges appear to increase in size more rapidly in the same time frame. Ser. Four growth models were compared using Akaike’s Information Criterion using a multi-model inference approach. Chadwick, N. E. & Morrow, K. M. In Coral Reefs: an ecosystem in transition 347–371 (Springer, 2011). Webster, N. S., Cobb, R. E. & Negri, A. P. Temperature thresholds for bacterial symbiosis with a sponge. While effort was undertaken to survey a large area, sponges were still chosen haphazardly and it is therefore unlikely that they were the largest and therefore oldest individuals on the wreck. Wulff, J. L. Ecological interactions of marine sponges. A one-way analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) was used to examine the influence of depth on sponge growth, with initial volume as the covariate and depth (10, 20, 30 m) as a fixed factor. 3) or due to the highly variable sponge volumes in the data set. 84, 175–194 (2006). growth rates in the Indo-Pacific. At Sampela 1, for instance, competition with other benthic taxa is reduced than at the other sites as the coral cover is low, which would be expected to influence density, mean volume, and potentially growth rates. 375, 113–124 (2009). Methods Ecol. Oceanogr. The oldest giant barrel sponge found off the coast of Venezuela and estimated to be 2300 years old died from SOB in only a few weeks. PubMed If you have previously obtained access with your personal account, please log in. Volumetric measurements were calculated using stereo calibration and measurement software (CAL and PhotoMeasure) created by J. Seager (http://www.seagis.com.au); calibration procedures are described in the Supplementary Information. Size is typically related to life-history processes such as mortality, growth and reproduction4, as well as its spatial competitiveness5 and ability to consume resources. Scientific Reports Coast. Perea-Blazquez, A., Davy, S. K. & Bell, J. J. Bell, J. J. Automat. Seasonality in X. muta growth was reported in the Caribbean22 but was not measured in our study; the volume gained per year in the summer months was in line with growth measured herein from 2014 to 2015 (4,195.53 ± 4,08021; 4,572.60 ± 1,394.66 cm3, Buoy 1). Any queries (other than missing content) should be directed to the corresponding author for the article. Natl. Ecol. Further research on the feeding biology of Xestospongia spp. For example, individuals of Ianthella basta nearly 2 m high were reported to be only 10 years old58. As the ship sank in 1963, the maximum age the sponges could be at the time of measurements (2014) is 51 years old. Tissue loss due to smothering by coral rubble and sedimentation was also common. Sponges were collected along a depth gradient at Little Cayman (LC) and Lee Stocking Island (LSI), and the microbiome of these samples was analysed using 16S rRNA amplicon sequencing. Previous research on barrel sponges suggests that they should be susceptible to environmental disturbance. 17, 1840–1849 (2008). Otolith reading and multi-model inference for improved estimation of age and growth in the gilthead seabream Sparus aurata (L.). PLoS One 8, e74396 (2013).
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