/XObject<>/Pattern<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/Annots[ 10 0 R 13 0 R 15 0 R 17 0 R 19 0 R 20 0 R 22 0 R 37 0 R 40 0 R] /MediaBox[ 0 0 612 792] /Contents 4 0 R/Group<>/Tabs/S/StructParents 0>> Frictional contact elements were used to simulate realistic interface conditions within the implant system and the non-rigid connector function. doi:10.7759/cureus.7790, Received by Cureus: April 11, 2020 CONNECTOR The portion of an FPD that unites the retainer(s) and pontic(s). Metal try-in of both anterior and posterior segment was done clinically to verify properly the marginal fit of the restoration (Figure 7). Oruc et al. - will serve to support the FPD - requires non-rigid connector - forces are transmitted to the terminal retainers as a result of the middle abutment acting as a FULCRUM, causing marginal leaking - NON-RIGID CONNECTORS FIX THIS. It has been postulated that terminal abutment has a rocking movement when in function, whereas pier abutment acts as a fulcrum. Cementation was done using Type I glass ionomer cement. Misch suggested that bone and soft tissue consideration is important when planning for a long-span bridge. Connector size, shape, and position influence the success of FPD. ė���pBX !� {!#.%k&IsX�����hs����9��7�E\��8E%���Yy�!h���� H�z��dU��Q�����M,BJ�5r�%�=g��H쁸�T�">�O�o��uH�s@��1fB�e�Xޢ2�.����2K���eG������ ����)�����ee�=����:���'R� 1�>�Ei�C���A. Later metal try-in of the anterior segment (female part) was done in the laboratory (Figure 4) in the working cast to check the marginal fit of the casted metal units. On intraoral examination we found missing left maxillary first premolar and first molar with second premolar acting as a pier abutment (Figure 1). Apart from the advantages of nonrigid connectors, the increased laboratory time and expense should be ignored while considering the augmented life of the restoration. He also complained of difficulty in mastication as well as esthetic problem. When there is no occlusal stability, lifting of key from key is also reported. Nonrigid connectors are contraindicated when there is significant mobility in abutment teeth where splinting also cannot produce good prognosis [10]. _q���0����c�(d� If rigid connectors are used in this situation, the pier abutment will act as a fulcrum because of physiologic tooth movement, arch position of the abutment, and the retentive capacity of the retainers. It is also used in long-span prosthesis where there are chances of distortion and shrinkage of porcelain which leads to ill-fitting prosthesis. Dr Bhanu K Bhakhri "The Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research (JCDR) has been in operation since almost a decade. If the keyway of the connector is placed on the distal side of the pier abutment, mesial movements seats the key into the keyway [15]. But if an edentulous space occurs on both sides of a tooth, creating a pier abutment then physiologic tooth movement, arch position of the abutment, and a difference in the retentive capacity of the retainers can make a five-unit FPD a less than ideal for the treatment [2]. "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. endobj The most frequently encountered clinical situation, either in the maxillary or mandibular arch, is of a missing first premolar and first molar, where the canine and the second molar are known as terminal abutments and second premolar is a pier abutment. It has contributed a huge number of peer reviewed articles, across a spectrum of medical disciplines, to the medical literature. Clinically, three-unit segment containing the left maxillary canine, first premolar, and second premolar (pier abutment) with keyway on its distal aspect was cemented (Figure 10) first followed by cementation of posterior two-unit segment containing left maxillary first molar and second molar with key on the mesial contour of the first molar (Figure 11). endobj There is no relevant past medical history and past dental history revealed that the patient had undergone extraction of the badly carious tooth in left maxillary first premolar and first molar three months back. Shear stresses are concentrated on the supporting bone and not on the connector in a stress breaker; hence the need for a stress breaker in pier abutment on both ends of the nonrigid connector is recommended. When an occlusal force is applied to the pontic, it is delivered to the connector, retainer, and finally to the abutments and the surrounding bone structure by connecting the FPD and abutments together. Published: April 23, 2020. After the material was completely set, it was retrieved and die cutting was done and the die pins were placed. The posterior segment (male pattern) was seated in the casted female portion, then wax pattern was fabricated for left maxillary first molar and second molar. Prosthodontics, Dr. M.G.R. second molar. When this reported case like clinical situation occurs in mandible, nonrigid connectors which are indicated as mandible undergoes flexing movement in a mediolateral direction during opening and closing of jaws. The FPD shape is not uniform clinically, but is a complex combination of multiple convexities and concavities that depend on the geometry and alignment of the teeth [5,6]. www.indiandentalacademy.com 10. Peer review began: April 16, 2020 and Rigid connector could be made by casting, soldering, and welding. This link will take you to a third party website that is not affiliated with Cureus, Inc. Under conditions of vertical loading, the rigid FPD design does not permit independent response by either abutment. Connectors are that portion of the FPDs that unite the retainers and the pontics. Type IV dental stone was used to pour cast. The connector that permits limited movement between the otherwise, independent members of the FPDs is the nonrigid connector. Gill in 1952 suggested that each tooth must function both as an individual and as a part of a collective unit which makes each tooth an important factor in the function of the entire mouth [18]. Although rigid connectors are most commonly fabricated, in some situations like using pier abutment, NRCs are indicated. An article’s SIQ™ will appear alongside the article after being rated twice and is recalculated with each additional rating. Master cast was then mounted on an articulator with the help of interocclusal record. Sivakumar S (April 23, 2020) Management of Partial Edentulism Using Nonrigid Connectors as a Treatment Modality: A Case Report. the resulting connector-less assembly (the cost of components and the work of purchasing and managing them are rendered unnecessary) enables man-hours to be reduced. Further it allows physiologic tooth movement and eliminates any hindrance against a fixed restoration with all rigid connectors [7]. Tooth movements in divergent directions create stresses, that are transferred to the abutments & cause failure of the weaker retainer as the pier abutment act as a fulcrum. They involve more tooth reduction clinically in order to facilitate engagement of male and female components. Please note that Cureus is not responsible for any content or activities contained within our partner or affiliate websites. %PDF-1.5 The existence of pier abutment promotes a fulcrum-like situation that can cause the weakest of the terminal abutments to fail and may cause the intrusion of a pier abutment [5]. x��][o�H�~���Gs0�Y7^��v��b;q;��.�y`$��²ܒ�t�G�o�sN��U$��d �3hG��r��w�uX>{��-o��.���W�]5�[̣�g��w���g�?g�����-����zq�z�����$�����,J��,Y�x�9|�z�"�n��o/_|>��F�����k����"M��E�%����e"˨Lrm/_��oуm�Ij��m%E%�'e�)�|�&>�N��8�+>�'��ɓy|*��Sursv��Ok��v���8�'��f��|���0����?�I,ce�������H��4lc)���5l�%����(X�� ��W�,�β�3�%�gc�?O�a�>s����Tn���3�u� 2�: ƣ�H�"o��1��'�v�I62�_����,��t��~ 1f��y� K�HD��*���5A�ڟ ͥpug������� ��ң�A�g|�k��(��{�A�C�$5�ф�. The soldered connectors are made by fusion of intermediate metal alloy to the previously made castings. �G���~�DR;C1�/�����2sD� 9"?+�,e�U�8�㈁�(e�J�^�~Eg�6�~��"J��V�J�4�(�Ȣ. CONNECTORS IN FPD. The abutment teeth are rigidly splinted together and must be prepared parallel to each other. [6] Gill (1952) recommended placing non rigid connector at one Other relationships: All authors have declared that there are no other relationships or activities that could appear to have influenced the submitted work. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited. Outcome, Tylman's Theory and Practice of Fixed Prosthodontics, A photoelastic analysis of the stress distribution in bone supporting fixed partial dentures of rigid and nonrigid design, Load transfer by fixed partial dentures with three abutments, The pier abutment: a review of the literature and a suggested mathematical model, Non-rigid connector for managing pier abutment in FPD: a case report, Stress analysis of effects of nonrigid connectors on fixed partial dentures with pier abutments, Broken-stress principle and design in fixed bridge prosthesis, Treatment planning for mouth rehabilitation, Contemporary Implant Dentistry, 3rd edition. Human subjects: Consent was obtained by all participants in this study. �ZrK�tLr���+D�3Cŧ�8'�C�[̑�oA>�}-�(�� Fixed-fixed Partial Denture, also known as fixed-fixed dental bridge, is a design of fixed partial prosthesis that has a rigid connector at both ends of the pontic.This basic design of FPD has a minimum of three units that can be cemented in one piece. 1). Flex-rigid board Integration of flexible PC and rigid PC board We have combined the softness of the FPC with the mounting stability of a rigid PC board. Further it allows physiologic tooth movement and eliminates any hindrance against a fixed restoration with all rigid connectors [7] . What are synonyms for rigid connector? Critical factors that are responsible for failures included nonvital anterior abutments and pier abutments [9]. 1 0 obj The SIQ for this article will be revealed, non rigid connectors, pier abutment, key and keyway, Cite this article as: The movement in a non-rigid connector is enough to prevent the transfer of stress from segment being loaded to the rest of the FPD. Scholarly Impact Quotient™ (SIQ™) is our unique post-publication peer review rating process. Another important indication is in cases of mobile teeth which requires splinting as a treatment option where interlocks are used for stabilization of the units. Then the excess cement is removed and the occlusion was verified using articulating paper. If rigid connector is given in a prosthesis with pier abutment, the pier abutment may act as a fulcrum. The cast connectors are to be properly shaped in wax patterns. 3 Casted Connectors NON RIGID CONNECTOR Any connector that permits limited movement between otherwise independent members of an FPD. The long-term survival of FPDs has been reported to be 87% at 10 years and 69% at 15 years [8]. Non-Rigid Connector for Managing Pier Abutment in FPD: A Case Report. The stress distributions and values of a FPD and a pier abutment are affected by the location of nonrigid connector. Anterior segment with female portion (keyway mortise) and posterior segment with male portion (key tenon) were assembled together in the working cast completing the laboratory procedure (Figure 9). A stress breaker minimizes mesio-distal torquing of abutments and permits them to move independently [6]. A FPD with the pontic rigidly fixed to the retainer provides adequate strength and stability to the prosthesis and also minimizes the stresses associated with the restoration. This clinical situation poses challenge to prosthodontist in rehabilitation phase. Though nonrigid connectors have the advantage of minimizing the torquing forces and shear stresses, they have a disadvantage also. Adams in 1956 suggested placing one nonrigid connector at the distal side of pier and also at the distal of the anterior retainer if needed depending on the clinical situation [19]. Provisional temporary restoration was given using tooth colored auto polymerizing resin and was cemented using noneugenol temporary cement. Two 5-unit FPD'S were simulated, one with rigid connector and another one with nonrigid connector. A 43-year-old male patient reported to the Department of Prosthodontics in our dental college in Chennai, India with a chief complaint of missing teeth in the right upper back tooth region for a duration of six months. Peer review concluded: April 16, 2020 Broken-stress measures serve as “safety valves” against the tremendous leverage forces created by the rigid attachment to two or more teeth. The treatment options in case of pier abutment are implant in edentulous spaces or FPD with nonrigid connectors, using precision and semi-precision attachments. It is more technique sensitive and requires precision in work. Similar casting procedures were carried out (Figure 5) and the marginal fit was checked in the laboratory for the posterior segment also. Both male and female portions were placed and the metal fit was checked in the lab (Figure 6). Surveying was done using Ney surveyor which helps in checking the position and parallelism of female and male component placed within the contours of the pier abutment. Markley (1951) suggested that non rigid connector should be placed at one of the terminal retainers. Nonrigid connectors were also not indicated in cases where there are discrepancies and interferences with regard to occlusion and occlusal forces. This paper presents a clinical case report which describes incorporation of nonrigid connector to rehabilitate pier abutment case. Advertisers Access Statistics Resources. Thus the use of non rigid connector in case of pier abutment is recommended. The nonrigid FPD design allows the abutments some independence in response to vertical loading [12]. If rigid connectors are used in this situation, the pier abutment will act as a fulcrum because of physiologic tooth movement, arch position of the abutment, and the retentive capacity of the retainers. Rigid and non-rigid connector designs have disparate effects on stress distribution and equilibration in a fixed partial denture with pier abutment. A, The anterior abutment and the pontic are connected with a rigid cast connector.These two partial FDP components are fabricated separately from the posterior abutment, which is cast in gold. Share this article with your colleagues. The Lost Child Ragnarok, Law Firm Strategic Planning, Portable Dvd Player Costco, Jaggery Meaning In Telugu, Porridge Calories With Milk, Johns Hopkins Psychiatric Hospital Reviews, 5kg Dried Beans, George Lamming Poetry, Hollywood Forever Cemetery Sings Lyrics Meaning, Sample Checklist Template, Aps Convention 2021, Factory Pattern Swift, " />
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rigid connector fpd

Connectors are the part of a FPD that unite the retainers and pontics. A nonrigid connector may be preferred in fabrication of fixed partial denture (FPD) with pier abutment. The pier abutment should have the keyway of the connector in the distal and the key should be placed on the mesial of the distal most pontic. Male pattern was later retrieved from the female pattern, so that the female pattern is free of wax in the recess area. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.". doi:10.7759/cureus.7790. <>/XObject<>/Pattern<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/Annots[ 10 0 R 13 0 R 15 0 R 17 0 R 19 0 R 20 0 R 22 0 R 37 0 R 40 0 R] /MediaBox[ 0 0 612 792] /Contents 4 0 R/Group<>/Tabs/S/StructParents 0>> Frictional contact elements were used to simulate realistic interface conditions within the implant system and the non-rigid connector function. doi:10.7759/cureus.7790, Received by Cureus: April 11, 2020 CONNECTOR The portion of an FPD that unites the retainer(s) and pontic(s). Metal try-in of both anterior and posterior segment was done clinically to verify properly the marginal fit of the restoration (Figure 7). Oruc et al. - will serve to support the FPD - requires non-rigid connector - forces are transmitted to the terminal retainers as a result of the middle abutment acting as a FULCRUM, causing marginal leaking - NON-RIGID CONNECTORS FIX THIS. It has been postulated that terminal abutment has a rocking movement when in function, whereas pier abutment acts as a fulcrum. Cementation was done using Type I glass ionomer cement. Misch suggested that bone and soft tissue consideration is important when planning for a long-span bridge. Connector size, shape, and position influence the success of FPD. ė���pBX !� {!#.%k&IsX�����hs����9��7�E\��8E%���Yy�!h���� H�z��dU��Q�����M,BJ�5r�%�=g��H쁸�T�">�O�o��uH�s@��1fB�e�Xޢ2�.����2K���eG������ ����)�����ee�=����:���'R� 1�>�Ei�C���A. Later metal try-in of the anterior segment (female part) was done in the laboratory (Figure 4) in the working cast to check the marginal fit of the casted metal units. On intraoral examination we found missing left maxillary first premolar and first molar with second premolar acting as a pier abutment (Figure 1). Apart from the advantages of nonrigid connectors, the increased laboratory time and expense should be ignored while considering the augmented life of the restoration. He also complained of difficulty in mastication as well as esthetic problem. When there is no occlusal stability, lifting of key from key is also reported. Nonrigid connectors are contraindicated when there is significant mobility in abutment teeth where splinting also cannot produce good prognosis [10]. _q���0����c�(d� If rigid connectors are used in this situation, the pier abutment will act as a fulcrum because of physiologic tooth movement, arch position of the abutment, and the retentive capacity of the retainers. It is also used in long-span prosthesis where there are chances of distortion and shrinkage of porcelain which leads to ill-fitting prosthesis. Dr Bhanu K Bhakhri "The Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research (JCDR) has been in operation since almost a decade. If the keyway of the connector is placed on the distal side of the pier abutment, mesial movements seats the key into the keyway [15]. But if an edentulous space occurs on both sides of a tooth, creating a pier abutment then physiologic tooth movement, arch position of the abutment, and a difference in the retentive capacity of the retainers can make a five-unit FPD a less than ideal for the treatment [2]. "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. endobj The most frequently encountered clinical situation, either in the maxillary or mandibular arch, is of a missing first premolar and first molar, where the canine and the second molar are known as terminal abutments and second premolar is a pier abutment. It has contributed a huge number of peer reviewed articles, across a spectrum of medical disciplines, to the medical literature. Clinically, three-unit segment containing the left maxillary canine, first premolar, and second premolar (pier abutment) with keyway on its distal aspect was cemented (Figure 10) first followed by cementation of posterior two-unit segment containing left maxillary first molar and second molar with key on the mesial contour of the first molar (Figure 11). endobj There is no relevant past medical history and past dental history revealed that the patient had undergone extraction of the badly carious tooth in left maxillary first premolar and first molar three months back. Shear stresses are concentrated on the supporting bone and not on the connector in a stress breaker; hence the need for a stress breaker in pier abutment on both ends of the nonrigid connector is recommended. When an occlusal force is applied to the pontic, it is delivered to the connector, retainer, and finally to the abutments and the surrounding bone structure by connecting the FPD and abutments together. Published: April 23, 2020. After the material was completely set, it was retrieved and die cutting was done and the die pins were placed. The posterior segment (male pattern) was seated in the casted female portion, then wax pattern was fabricated for left maxillary first molar and second molar. Prosthodontics, Dr. M.G.R. second molar. When this reported case like clinical situation occurs in mandible, nonrigid connectors which are indicated as mandible undergoes flexing movement in a mediolateral direction during opening and closing of jaws. The FPD shape is not uniform clinically, but is a complex combination of multiple convexities and concavities that depend on the geometry and alignment of the teeth [5,6]. www.indiandentalacademy.com 10. Peer review began: April 16, 2020 and Rigid connector could be made by casting, soldering, and welding. This link will take you to a third party website that is not affiliated with Cureus, Inc. Under conditions of vertical loading, the rigid FPD design does not permit independent response by either abutment. Connectors are that portion of the FPDs that unite the retainers and the pontics. Type IV dental stone was used to pour cast. The connector that permits limited movement between the otherwise, independent members of the FPDs is the nonrigid connector. Gill in 1952 suggested that each tooth must function both as an individual and as a part of a collective unit which makes each tooth an important factor in the function of the entire mouth [18]. Although rigid connectors are most commonly fabricated, in some situations like using pier abutment, NRCs are indicated. An article’s SIQ™ will appear alongside the article after being rated twice and is recalculated with each additional rating. Master cast was then mounted on an articulator with the help of interocclusal record. Sivakumar S (April 23, 2020) Management of Partial Edentulism Using Nonrigid Connectors as a Treatment Modality: A Case Report. the resulting connector-less assembly (the cost of components and the work of purchasing and managing them are rendered unnecessary) enables man-hours to be reduced. Further it allows physiologic tooth movement and eliminates any hindrance against a fixed restoration with all rigid connectors [7]. Tooth movements in divergent directions create stresses, that are transferred to the abutments & cause failure of the weaker retainer as the pier abutment act as a fulcrum. They involve more tooth reduction clinically in order to facilitate engagement of male and female components. Please note that Cureus is not responsible for any content or activities contained within our partner or affiliate websites. %PDF-1.5 The existence of pier abutment promotes a fulcrum-like situation that can cause the weakest of the terminal abutments to fail and may cause the intrusion of a pier abutment [5]. x��][o�H�~���Gs0�Y7^��v��b;q;��.�y`$��²ܒ�t�G�o�sN��U$��d �3hG��r��w�uX>{��-o��.���W�]5�[̣�g��w���g�?g�����-����zq�z�����$�����,J��,Y�x�9|�z�"�n��o/_|>��F�����k����"M��E�%����e"˨Lrm/_��oуm�Ij��m%E%�'e�)�|�&>�N��8�+>�'��ɓy|*��Sursv��Ok��v���8�'��f��|���0����?�I,ce�������H��4lc)���5l�%����(X�� ��W�,�β�3�%�gc�?O�a�>s����Tn���3�u� 2�: ƣ�H�"o��1��'�v�I62�_����,��t��~ 1f��y� K�HD��*���5A�ڟ ͥpug������� ��ң�A�g|�k��(��{�A�C�$5�ф�. The soldered connectors are made by fusion of intermediate metal alloy to the previously made castings. �G���~�DR;C1�/�����2sD� 9"?+�,e�U�8�㈁�(e�J�^�~Eg�6�~��"J��V�J�4�(�Ȣ. CONNECTORS IN FPD. The abutment teeth are rigidly splinted together and must be prepared parallel to each other. [6] Gill (1952) recommended placing non rigid connector at one Other relationships: All authors have declared that there are no other relationships or activities that could appear to have influenced the submitted work. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited. Outcome, Tylman's Theory and Practice of Fixed Prosthodontics, A photoelastic analysis of the stress distribution in bone supporting fixed partial dentures of rigid and nonrigid design, Load transfer by fixed partial dentures with three abutments, The pier abutment: a review of the literature and a suggested mathematical model, Non-rigid connector for managing pier abutment in FPD: a case report, Stress analysis of effects of nonrigid connectors on fixed partial dentures with pier abutments, Broken-stress principle and design in fixed bridge prosthesis, Treatment planning for mouth rehabilitation, Contemporary Implant Dentistry, 3rd edition. Human subjects: Consent was obtained by all participants in this study. �ZrK�tLr���+D�3Cŧ�8'�C�[̑�oA>�}-�(�� Fixed-fixed Partial Denture, also known as fixed-fixed dental bridge, is a design of fixed partial prosthesis that has a rigid connector at both ends of the pontic.This basic design of FPD has a minimum of three units that can be cemented in one piece. 1). Flex-rigid board Integration of flexible PC and rigid PC board We have combined the softness of the FPC with the mounting stability of a rigid PC board. Further it allows physiologic tooth movement and eliminates any hindrance against a fixed restoration with all rigid connectors [7] . What are synonyms for rigid connector? Critical factors that are responsible for failures included nonvital anterior abutments and pier abutments [9]. 1 0 obj The SIQ for this article will be revealed, non rigid connectors, pier abutment, key and keyway, Cite this article as: The movement in a non-rigid connector is enough to prevent the transfer of stress from segment being loaded to the rest of the FPD. Scholarly Impact Quotient™ (SIQ™) is our unique post-publication peer review rating process. Another important indication is in cases of mobile teeth which requires splinting as a treatment option where interlocks are used for stabilization of the units. Then the excess cement is removed and the occlusion was verified using articulating paper. If rigid connector is given in a prosthesis with pier abutment, the pier abutment may act as a fulcrum. The cast connectors are to be properly shaped in wax patterns. 3 Casted Connectors NON RIGID CONNECTOR Any connector that permits limited movement between otherwise independent members of an FPD. The long-term survival of FPDs has been reported to be 87% at 10 years and 69% at 15 years [8]. Non-Rigid Connector for Managing Pier Abutment in FPD: A Case Report. The stress distributions and values of a FPD and a pier abutment are affected by the location of nonrigid connector. Anterior segment with female portion (keyway mortise) and posterior segment with male portion (key tenon) were assembled together in the working cast completing the laboratory procedure (Figure 9). A stress breaker minimizes mesio-distal torquing of abutments and permits them to move independently [6]. A FPD with the pontic rigidly fixed to the retainer provides adequate strength and stability to the prosthesis and also minimizes the stresses associated with the restoration. This clinical situation poses challenge to prosthodontist in rehabilitation phase. Though nonrigid connectors have the advantage of minimizing the torquing forces and shear stresses, they have a disadvantage also. Adams in 1956 suggested placing one nonrigid connector at the distal side of pier and also at the distal of the anterior retainer if needed depending on the clinical situation [19]. Provisional temporary restoration was given using tooth colored auto polymerizing resin and was cemented using noneugenol temporary cement. Two 5-unit FPD'S were simulated, one with rigid connector and another one with nonrigid connector. A 43-year-old male patient reported to the Department of Prosthodontics in our dental college in Chennai, India with a chief complaint of missing teeth in the right upper back tooth region for a duration of six months. Peer review concluded: April 16, 2020 Broken-stress measures serve as “safety valves” against the tremendous leverage forces created by the rigid attachment to two or more teeth. The treatment options in case of pier abutment are implant in edentulous spaces or FPD with nonrigid connectors, using precision and semi-precision attachments. It is more technique sensitive and requires precision in work. Similar casting procedures were carried out (Figure 5) and the marginal fit was checked in the laboratory for the posterior segment also. Both male and female portions were placed and the metal fit was checked in the lab (Figure 6). Surveying was done using Ney surveyor which helps in checking the position and parallelism of female and male component placed within the contours of the pier abutment. Markley (1951) suggested that non rigid connector should be placed at one of the terminal retainers. Nonrigid connectors were also not indicated in cases where there are discrepancies and interferences with regard to occlusion and occlusal forces. This paper presents a clinical case report which describes incorporation of nonrigid connector to rehabilitate pier abutment case. Advertisers Access Statistics Resources. Thus the use of non rigid connector in case of pier abutment is recommended. The nonrigid FPD design allows the abutments some independence in response to vertical loading [12]. If rigid connectors are used in this situation, the pier abutment will act as a fulcrum because of physiologic tooth movement, arch position of the abutment, and the retentive capacity of the retainers. Rigid and non-rigid connector designs have disparate effects on stress distribution and equilibration in a fixed partial denture with pier abutment. A, The anterior abutment and the pontic are connected with a rigid cast connector.These two partial FDP components are fabricated separately from the posterior abutment, which is cast in gold. Share this article with your colleagues.

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