Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness (2022) | Transcript June 22, 2022 Doctor Strange, with the help of mystical allies both old and new, traverses the mind-bending and dangerous alternate realities of the Multiverse to confront a mysterious new adversary. More like a man. Today, were here to determine what to do with you and the child. Strange 2? Because, Stephen, you have to be the one holding the knife. Doctor Stephen Strange: No. Why dont you both start it, whatever it is, together? Wong: The creature that killed him, did did it have the same markings as the octopus? I got it here in this Sanctum. Is that not enough? America: I can't b*at you. MYSTERIOUS VOICE: We should tell him the truth. Raimi is also known for helming the Spider-Man trilogy starring Tobey. Christine 2: You're sealed shut! In addition, Marvel Studios also released a new poster for the supernatural adventure . Do you know it's ancient custom to bow in the presence of the Sorcerer Supreme? DEFENDER STRANGE: We cant let it take your power. When you gave Thanos the Time Stone? Christine 2: Our universe is 838. Reed: An incusion occurs, when the boundary between two universes erodes, and they collide. Oh. Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness 2022 English Subtitles covers the whole span of the Video, No parts or scenes are left behind. - Please, please - Please! Wanda: You know, the Hex was the easy part. You can physically move from one universe to another? Wanda: I'm their mother! I wont spoil anything, but what I can say is that some of the dialogue is on par with the supremely cheesy Moonfalls (a comparison that only works for the 15 people that saw Moonfall, but is apt all the same). REED: One night, you called us all together, confessed that you had been Dream walking, and in your words, Things had gotten out of hand.. He was actually the first guy who let me into Kamar-Taj. Strange: Yes, that was Christine. It is a movie directed by the legendary Sam Raimi, who was here a long time ago with Spider-Man (s), and it was written by Loki's. It's not that I don't wanna care for someone, or have someone care for me. Reed: We appreciate your concern, Stephen, but it's not the Scarlet Witch that we fear. There are payoffs at the end of Multiverse of Madness, but they feel tacked . Wanda: You break the rules and become a hero. Strange: We had a sister. How do you know my stomach works the same as yours? Watch Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness, Watch 'Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness' Cast Answer Burning Questions, Watch Exclusive Clip: Dr. Its the question that Christine Palmer asked me at her wedding. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. A weapon we did use to k*ll him, to defeat Thanos. Strange: So, how'd you end up working here? We are all the same. But we don't talk about that, do we? Doctor Christine Palmer: What, for you, at my wedding? [266] Cumberbatch, Wong, Ejiofor, and McAdams reprised their roles, with Elizabeth Olsen also reprising her role of Wanda Maximoff / Scarlet Witch from other MCU media. Director Sam Raimis full range of weirdness and spookiness is on full display from start to finish here. But both can apparently use the same sort of spell books, two of which play a huge role in the film. Do not make me regret this. That doesn't seem fair. Doctor Stephen Strange: I guess you're just gonna have to trust me. I am ready for Wanda Maximoff's villain era, I'm not even sorry. They don't exist. Strange: No, America. Doctor Stephen Strange: It's okay, kid. When youve got talents like Olsen, Cumberbatch, and McAdams that cant even make these lines work, its probably time for a revision or two. I'm so sorry. 838 MORDO: He turned to the Dark hold, began Dream walking, in hopes that our salvation might lie in the Multiverse. If she gets America's power she could enslave the entire Multiverse. Do not dare to enter these sacred grounds. Your mind is being held hostage by your alternate self. But you put things right in the end, and that was never in doubt. [Doctor Strange takes the Cloak off and examines it. It can give a sorcerer whatever power they need to vanquish their enemy. Pizza Poppa: Hey. Hey, Labcoat. I'm America: I'll find you. ], [He has a sudden flashback of the girl in his dream.]. Defender Strange sees this and fires bolts to release the demon's grip on America, who falls through the portal. [The camera pans over to a spinning pedestal, floating in the middle of the ether. Nah. Strange: It does matter. Imagine if a real threat acquired it. This notion of Doctor Strange being the villain isn't too far-fetched. Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness has had a somewhat bumpy ride to the screen. This isn't a tomb. When you can force America to send you to any universe you want, Why take her power for your own? Tommy: Mom, I changed my mind. I don't know where it is. Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness had a robust Monday, earning $13.3M and sending the Sam Raimi-directed Marvel movie to $200.7M. Strange is traversing through the multiverse when he finds himself alone in mist-covered woods. Christine 2: Yeah. Then I, came back to this god darn haunted house. Mordo: He turned to the Darkhold. You took this whole suit from the Strange Museum, didnt you? Strange: Oh. Benedict Cumberbatch stars in this messy, thematically vacant Marvel spinoff . This is New York in the Multiver [Doctor Strange is quickly proven wrong when he runs to a nearby chimney and pukes into it, the chimney stack covering up what Strange is puking. Wait, boys. Sending those creatures after her instead of myself was mercy. You know A family is forever. Strange: We were playing on a frozen lake, and She fell through the ice. I could use it. 3.2K. Donna. Legend speaks of a mountain with the wretched spells you seek carved into its walls. Hey-the-guy, hey-the-there. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. Doctor Stephen Strange: That's not my first weird trip, kid. Strange: It's very beautiful. In the scene, Dr. More Episodes #92 - The Princess Bride (1987) 2023-02-13 #91 - The Menu (2022) How did you get here? Christine 2: Well, yes. Find food. Our universe is 838, and weve designated yours 616. (IN ENGLISH) Whatever the Sorcerer Supreme asks of us, it shall be done. No, you did not. Sat down and wondered why I'd lied. Tell me what you know. Keeper of the Terrigen Mists, the Inhuman king. Well, I can see why you guys were so worried about incursions. Now that it's been out a week, Marvel Studios clearly decided it's time everyone got a look. That's how we stop her. Strange: Open sesame. Youve possessed an innocent woman, but you can still do the right thing. Yes. America: This Stephen is different. ], Doctor Christine Palmer: Glass of red, please? You don't wanna get stuck in there. I found out in the secret book you get when you become Sorcerer Supreme. Your email address will not be published. You never told us the details of what had happened, only that you had inadvertently triggered an Incursion. My senior phoned the Baxter Foundation, and I specialize in Multiversal research. Is that some kinda cyborg me? But I didn't find it. There will be someone left to raise them. [The WandaVision episode 2 motif picks up in the background]. I, Baron Karl Mordo, The Sorcerer Supreme, hereby Mordo: Captain Carter. America Chavez: That thing was trying to kidnap me. Only happens when Im really, really afraid. You didn't pay for that. Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness hits theaters on May 6, 2022. I shall miss you, my friend. We can't let that thing take I lost both my cats. Did you have to take out another student loan? Oh, yes. somewhere in the multiverse, there's a better version of this movie that exists. All rights reserved. Wong: It occurs to me, young one, we don't know your name. So she destroyed the Darkhold in every universe. The possession is not a permanent link between realities, but in the fleeting time they dreamwalk, they can do irreparable damage to the universe they invade. Destroying one, or both, entirely. We would never risk a weapon that dangerous falling into the wrong hands. Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness hits theaters on May 6, 2022. Xavier: Save the girl, and get to the Book of Vishanti. Defender Strange turns to his opponent and casts a spell that freezes him temporarily.]. Return to Kamar-Taj and prepare to hand over America Chavez by sundown. It's not real. If theres one thing Doctor Strange In The Multiverse of Madness accomplishes, it's putting the final nail in the coffin of the idea that directors arent allowed to put their distinct stylistic stamps on the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Where I had Christine, where I was happy. Wong: Strange! Wong: My magic can only take us so far. Your magnetic signatures could be radioactive. Hang on. In hopes that our salvation might lie in the Multiverse. You don't know anything. Doctor Stephen Strange: Wong is back there alone with Wanda and I'm the only hope he has. If you give me what I want, Ill send you to a world where you can be with Christine. You built a way point. Cut it out. Unless youre afraid. I dont mean to be callous, but how much of a heavier toll is there left to exact? We will see what kind of Doctor Strange you are. But she's not a child. At your funeral. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. But in the grand calculus of the Multiverse, your sacrifice is worth more than your, Yeah, I was a little preoccupied being dust there for five years, so, While I was gone, thank you for asking, I lost both my cats. She took over a whole town using her mind. We'll vote on our return. Not unless you give me The Book of Vishanti. America: [in Spanish] Frankly, of the two Doctor Stranges that I've met, you are not my favorite. Wanda: Boys, stop. Wong: [in Spanish] I don't even know if he speaks his own language. You'll like it. Defender Strange: [in Spanish] No! Wanda: I would never hurt you. Maybe. Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness Review Directed By: Sam Raimi Written By: Michael Waldron; Based on the Marvel comics and characters Runtime: 126 minutes MPA Rating: Rated PG-13. I won't lose them again. It's like a henchman who works for a demon. You must've been so jealous. Thank you. Youre visitors from another universe. We were at w*r. While the rest of us banded together to try to stop Thanos, Stephen, as always, chose to go it alone. And even if you could get me back there, I have no way of fighting Wanda. Wong is back there alone with Wanda, and Im the only hope he has. For good reason. Maria: Oh, we can handle your little witch if she decides to dreamwalk. It has a nasty gash on it.]. And my brother. If she gets Americas power, she could enslave the entire Multiverse. Doctor Stephen Strange: No. But only Stephen's ever opened it. Playing puppeteer, this unholy doppelganger, and pursue their enemies from afar. Thanks. Strange: But you put things right in the end and that was never in doubt. Strange: Reflections. Theres no telling what soulless monstrosities lie within. Aside from the above, nobody else . I hope you'll get to show them one day. Wong: There could be more creatures coming for her. Professor Charles Xavier. [the girl runs away but Wong and Strange catch up through a portal.]. Carter: Be grateful Black Bolt doesn't engage you in conversation. It'll get you back on a lunch box. This time the Sorcerer Supreme will be joined by Wanda. A chant only specific to me, something only I would know. And then I came back to this goddamn haunted house, sat down, and wondered why Id lied. I was looking for a world where things were different. The Darkhold exacts a heavy toll. It's red. But in the fleeting time they Dream walk, they can do irreparable damage to the universe they invade. You want the girl, youll have to go through me. Strange: Hey, kid. In October . Go wash your hands. Strange: Yeah, I do. Wanda: You're wondering what happens now. While Im under, I need you to protect my body in case they attack me for trespassing. Wanda's gone. It's okay. And arm the students. Mount Wundagore. The possession is not a permanent link between realities. So. Now.. He runs his hands through his hair, looks around to calm himself down, then he sees his broken wrist watch, his face reflected into the watch face. Strange: You want the girl, you're gonna have to go through me. That was a war, and I did what I had to do. Also accompanying him are a dead Wong and Dormammu's sister Umar. Please. ], [Doctor Strange uses his magic to change the water in Christine Palmer's glass into wine.]. I put the magic behind me. What are you doing?! Hang on, hang on. She can rewrite reality as she chooses, and is prophesized to either rule or annihilate the cosmos. I've come here to tell you to trust yourself, trust your power. Don't even think that. Your injuries, theyre similar, but theyre not identical. 23 "Doctor Strange In The Multiverse Of Madness" Details From Their Super Bowl Trailer That Are Simply Mind-Blowing. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. Wong: What do we do with him? Doctor Stephen Strange: You must be able to control it somehow. She, uh She died, when we were kids. Never. This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. Xavier: Our Strange did not die defeating Thanos. 838 WANDA: Hey, dont make Mom out to be the bad guy. Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness - 44 Teaser Images. Yeah, you dont wanna get stuck in there. It's okay. Pizza balls. Wong: Do we know anyone who's faced such a thing? See which films from the Marvel Cinematic Universe had the largest domestic box office openings. Food's free in most universes, actually. Maria: Everyone in that reality died. DOCTOR STRANGE: Well, if theres still a sanctum in this universe, then there might be another Other Other Me, and thats our best shot of getting back to her. My goal is to spread information and validate leakers and scoopers' credibility. And then he snapped and dedicated his life to trying to kill me. Doctor. You can come tuck me in if you want. Tell me--. Plenty of spooky scaries are lurking around corners especially as things ramp up in the third act. Doctor Stephen Strange: Spider-Man. But I do wanna ask you something. Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness is a Sam Raimi movie from top to bottom, for better and worse. I know they do. Strange: We gotta get you out of here. I just sold one of those kidneys that we operated on last week. We found a girl who can somehow travel across it but she's being pursued. The film was officially announced in July 2019 at that year's San Diego Comic-Con, with Benedict . Christine 2: I'd really like that. Which is why I'm still sitting here waiting for you to enlighten us. [Doctor Strange and America Chavez stand up and observe their surroundings from the rooftop.]. He had to be the one holding the knife, and then that knife kept controlling people. And the score, yall. Whatever I was to you in your universe does not matter. The Darkhold was a copy! America: How is this so much harder than a Multiversal portal? Dreamwalking. That means dreams are windows into the lives of our Multiversal selves. Possessing the body of an alternate self. Carter: Watch him. I think Im beginning to understand why your Mordo didnt like you very much! That's something we got in common. But I made the only play we had. You cannot be allowed to cross into the Multiverse. I just want my boys. Strange: I love you. The studio has asked reviewers not to say much more, a request that itself gives away the whole point of the movie. I dont exactly call that being reasonable. The Inhuman King. Every time you opened a portal, you sent us exactly where we needed to go. I know that killing Stephen Strange was your ticket to getting the Sanctum, to becoming Sorcerer Supreme, and to joining your little circus of clowns, the Illuminati. of this magical book of pure good that gives a sorcerer whatever they need to defeat their enemy. Automatic Voice: Memory Lane. Wanda: I'm not a monster, Stephen. Strange: Yeah. The messiness is almost fitting for a Doctor Strange film, though I definitely hope that the script is tighter on the next outing. Strange: All right, Book Give me what I need. I really, really am. Doctor Stephen Strange: Okay. I guess youre just gonna have to trust me. Funko POP: Doctor Strange In The Multiverse of Madness Defender Strange Walmart Exclusive #1009. It's embarrassing, but he's a big fan. I understand your pain. Strange: You took those lives. But what bothers me, is that last night, you were in my dream. Still, the movie works far more than it doesnt. Yeah. 838 CHRISTINE: Whats your universe like? I can't control it. ], [We follow doctor strange as he walks in a rooftop bar. The best surgeon and the best superhero. So I'll give you what you want. Get to the book. Your email address will not be published. Sinister Stephen Strange: Stop where you are. Wanda: But they do. Souls of the Damned: Stephen Strange, possessing a dead body is forbidden! Strange: Slightly more than just dreamwalking. Kamar-Taj must now become a fortress. It's the two of you. Wong: Suspend teaching at once. Defender Strange: We can't let that thing take your power. Strange: About three weeks. You married Christine? They survived. Doctor Christine Palmer: I am. Strange Vs. Gargantos, Watch The Most Anticipated Movies and TV Shows to Watch in May 2022, Watch The Most Anticipated New Movies to Watch in 2022. What happens to their mother? America doesn't have long. Stephen? Hey. The film follows Dr. Stephen Strange in his attempts to protect a teenage girl named America Chavez, who has the ability to travel the multiverse, from The Scarlet Witch. Strange said that they were playing on a frozen lake and she fell through the ice. Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness probably won't earn any new fans for the MCU, and it may even turn some moviegoers off as it's definitely a harder, more violent, and macabre. Suspend teaching at once and arm the students. Even if you could get me back there, I have no way of fighting Wanda. Doctor Strange and the Multiverse of Madness is out in a week, and as such, things are starting to spring leaks. After that You'll never see me again. Sinister Stephen Strange: Not just on its reality On its reader. Why was that octopus trying to eat you? Strange: What was in that tea? Yeah, but given the choice between the archer with the mohawk and several bug-themed crime fighters, or one of the most powerful magic-wielders on the planet. Doctor Nicodomus West: Of course, you do. Doctor Strange. Now we've taken her to Kamar-Taj, and We've got our defenses, but We could use an Avenger. It wasn't a dream. It was perfect. Please. Directed by Sam Raimi ( Spider-Man , The Evil Dead) from a script by Emmy-winning Loki and Heels writer Michael Waldron, Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness brings Benedict. - How do we get across? Mordo: Come, and tell me everything About your universe. It could help me to communicate with my universe. Strange: Hey. DOCTOR STRANGE: Because that was her being reasonable. America: But, why didn't she do that to begin with? America: Rule number two? This is the gap junction. For those who are new and are wondering about why this was necessary, read the shift in editing starting March 1st blog. Yeah? Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness (2022), Black Panther: Wakanda Forever (2022) | Transcript. How is this so much harder than a Multiversal portal? Wanda: Well, I knew sooner or later you'd show up, wanting to discuss what happened at WestView. This is me, being reasonable. Use them. ], [Stephen sits down on a bench, waiting for the ceremony to begin. Do you seriously think I'm a bigger threat than the Scarlet Witch? Where the hell are we? In Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness, director Sam Raimi (Army of Darkness) takes a script by Michael Waldron (Loki) and creates an eye-popping masterpiece that combines horror and fantasy.Though the story suffers a bit from underdeveloped characters, the fantastic musical score and various visual components easily overcome its shortcoming. No one will ever be tempted by the Darkhold again. Christine 2: Because you're dangerous, Stephen. Didn't you guys chart in the sixties? Our Wanda has the ability to conjure demons and monsters to attack America - in other universes. Doctor Stephen Strange: Yeah, well, good for other me. One of the best things about Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness is it practically forces you to talk about it once it's over. Read all Director Sam Raimi Writers Michael Waldron In ENGLISH ) whatever the Sorcerer Supreme will be joined by Wanda, to defeat Thanos darn haunted,! Wondered why Id lied box office openings for her sent us exactly where we needed to go absolutely essential the... What happened at WestView he was actually the first guy who let me into Kamar-Taj did did it have option! And worse this goddamn haunted house I think Im beginning to understand why your Mordo didnt like you much... My senior phoned the Baxter Foundation, and we 've got our defenses, but feel. 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