Download Major General Robert F. Whittle, Jr. Deputy Commanding General - Operations, United States Army North (Fifth Army) Maj. Gen. Robert F. Whittle Jr. serves as the Deputy Commanding. Col. (Promotable) Winston P. Brooks, deputy commander (Maneuver), 1st Infantry Division, Fort Riley, Kansas, to commandant, U.S. Army Field Artillery School, U.S. Army Fires Center of Excellence, Fort Sill, Oklahoma. Foreign Exemption - (Note: Puerto Rico and certain other locations do not qualify for this exemption See 5 CFR 551.104 for a list of Nonexempt areas. Reviews proposals, actions, inspections, and reports prepared by HQ staff. Executive Assistant/ Officer, Chief of the National Guard Bureau, Pentagon, Washington, District of Columbia. The Senate confirmed his promotion to four-star this summer but has yet to confirm him for USARPAC command. Brig. Nature of Contacts/Purpose of Contacts, Level 4D (330 points)The incumbent will have extensive interaction with senior personnel from and within USPACOM, DoD, USARPAC, HQDA, Department of State, HQ of sister-services, and other Army Major Commands and Direct Reporting Units, and command and staff of subordinate MSCs and TECs. Questions regarding these assignments should be directed to the Chief, GOMO at (703) 697-7994, DSN 227-7994, or email Maj. Gen. Kevin Vereen, provost marshal general and commanding general, U.S. Army Criminal Investigation Command, Washington, District of Columbia, to commanding general, U.S. Army Recruiting Command, Fort Knox, Kentucky. Tweets & replies. Responsible for ensuring that an effective program is in place to identify training needs and development opportunities of the staff and that the needs are met in the proper timeframes. An official website of the United States Government, Vice Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Hosted by Defense Media Activity -, SHARP Identifies operating problems, conflicting priorities, program deficiencies, and potential problem areas and directs development of corrective or preventive measures to obtain desired results. Brig. LANPAC creates and perpetuates bonds, which form trust among militaries, helping us gain a richer understanding of our allies and partners initiatives and concerns, Vowell said. Born in New Orleans, LA, he grew up in Seymour, TN and was. I was going to serve a few years and get out and be a coach, Brown told hundreds of soldiers and other guests gathered for a farewell ceremony at Fort Shafter on Friday, his final day as USARPAC commander. endobj Brig. The exercise is part of Operation Pathways, which Flynn said provides operational endurance to U.S. Army units as they deploy across the region to train with foreign militaries. When the United States entered World War II, the Hawaiian Department became subordinate to the Commander-in-Chief, Pacific Ocean Areas. The Joint PacificMultinationalReadiness Center, which is based in Alaska and Hawaii to provide training in arctic and jungle environments, held its first regional combat training center rotation to Alaska in March. The series of joint exercises, he said, increase three kinds of interoperability: human relationships, technical by sharing systems and procedural processes. Supervisory Certification: I certify that this is an accurate statement of the major duties and responsibilities of this position and its organizational relationships, and that the position is necessary to carry out Government functions for which I am responsible. Must be able to obtain and maintain a TOP SECRET security clearance based on a Single Scope Background Investigation (SSBI), with access to SCI.3. Advise on courses of action required to establish command policy and resolve problems/correct deficiencies. These new and varying requirements pose problems in establishing milestones for achieving command goals and in prioritizing resources needed for achieving these goals. Capt. Gen. James P. Bienlien, director, Requirements Integration Directorate, Futures and Concepts Center, U.S. Army Futures Command, Joint Base Langley-Eustis, Virginia, to deputy commanding general, Combat Capabilities Development Command; and senior commander, Natick Soldier Systems Center, U.S. Army Futures Command, Natick, Massachusetts. Scope and Effect, Level 5-6 (450 points)The work involves planning, developing, evaluating, instituting, and mentoring programs, policies and procedures essential to the USARPAC mission. USARPAC traces its lineage back to 1898 when the United States became a major power in the Pacific. Gen. William S. Lynn, deputy commander, (Troop Program Unit), 807th Medical Command (Deployment Support), Salt Lake City, Utah, to commanding general (Troop Program Unit), Medical Readiness Training Command, San Antonio, Texas. Buy images; Prior to appointment to the position, employee will sign a statement agreeing to the E-E condition of employment.6. Incumbent is required to submit a Financial Disclosure Statement, OGE-450, Executive Branch Personnel Confidential Financial Disclosure Report upon entering the position and annually, in accordance with DoD Directive 5500-7-R, Joint Ethics Regulation, dated 30 August 1993. Maj. Gen. Daniel G. Mitchell, commanding general, U.S. Army Tank-automotive and Armaments Command, Life Cycle Management Command, Warren, Michigan, to commanding general, U.S. Army Sustainment Command, Rock Island, Illinois. Spotlight Photos Speeches / Testimony Performance is also evaluated in terms of how well the incumbent fulfills the priorities of the command group. Keeps the Commanding General apprised on matters relating to the general management effectiveness of the HQ. Expanding the State Partnership Program within Asia Pacific by Lieutenant Colonel Kevin D McMahan United States Army National Guard United States Army War College Class of Thats what kept me in. Col. (Promotable) Robert L. Barrie Jr., military deputy program executive officer, Program Executive Office, Aviation, Redstone Arsenal, Alabama, to program executive officer, Aviation, Redstone Arsenal, Alabama. Gen. (Promotable) John H. Phillips, chief information officer; and deputy chief of staff, G-6, U.S. Army Europe (Individual Mobilization Augmentee), U.S. Army Europe, Germany, to commander (Troop Program Unit), 335th Signal Command (Theater), East Point, Georgia. [1] | Authority for Army Officers to Opt-out of Promotion Boards, 4th Inf. Performance of the work involves a high degree of coordination and integration of complex, mission-essential programs and systems and the identification of critical command problems. Gen. James M. Smith, commanding general, 3d Expeditionary Sustainment Command, Fort Bragg, North Carolina, to chief of transportation and commandant, U.S. Army Transportation School, U.S. Army Sustainment Center of Excellence, Fort Lee, Virginia. Our relationships are at the root of it, as individuals. He championed the Armys Multi-Domain Task Force, a program that was piloted in the Pacific and has expanded to Europe for its second phase. Gen. Jered P. Helwig, chief of transportation and commandant, U.S. Army Transportation School, U.S. Army Sustainment Center of Excellence, Fort Lee, Virginia, to director for Logistics, Engineering and Security Cooperation, J-4, U.S. Indo-Pacific Command, Camp H. M. Smith, Hawaii. <>/ExtGState<>/XObject<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/MediaBox[ 0 0 612 792] /Contents 4 0 R/Group<>/Tabs/S/StructParents 0>> Col. (Promotable) Jeffrey B. McCarter, commander (Troop Program Unit), 1st Medical Training Brigade, Fort Gordon, Georgia, to deputy commanding general, Army Reserve Medical Command, Pinellas Park, Florida; and Mobilization and Reserve Affairs, Office of the Surgeon General, Falls Church, Virginia. Brig. Media. Available for both RF and RM licensing. endobj [1] The main areas that this command has jurisdiction in include Alaska, Hawaii, the Pacific Ocean, Japan, and South Korea. You will NEVER receive a personal request from any of the U.S. Army Europe and Africa leadership. The Leadership page of the Pacific Ocean Division, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Soldiers killed in training accident. Expert understanding of advanced management/organizational/program principles of the commands mission and functions, operations of the organizations and relationship within the Pacific Commands area of responsibility. 2 0 obj 3. For the mission, for the soldiers, for the team, it was exactly what those officers needed from their leader. Reference a. covers two-grade interval work for which there is no other appropriate series for which the work requires analytical ability, judgment, discretion, and knowledge of a substantial body of administrative or program principles, concepts, policies, and objectives. (Australia) for the U.S. Army Pacific (USARPAC), located at Fort Shafter, Hawaii. Enterprise. Some walking and carrying of light items is required.Factor 9. Gen. Johnny K. Davis, commanding general, U.S. Army Joint Modernization Command, Futures and Concepts Center, U.S. Army Futures Command, Fort Bliss, Texas, to chief of staff, U.S. Army Futures Command, Austin, Texas. 4 0 obj (25%)2. Work affects the overall efficiency and economy of major command programs throughout USPACOM AOR.Factor 6/7. The symposium, which was held in person for the first time in three years due to the pandemic, is the largest of its kind for armies in the region. After three years, this LANPAC is special, Flynn said. Commander Deputy Commander Chief of Staff Senior Enlisted Leader About USINDOPACOM. Cart. Classification Review: This position has been classified/graded as required by Title 5, U.S. Code in conformance with standard published by the U.S. Office of Personnel Management or if no published standards apply directly, consistently with the most applicable published standards. News. Maj. Gen. Christopher J. Sharpsten, director, J-4, U.S. Central Command, MacDill Air Force Base, Florida, to commanding general, Military Surface Deployment and Distribution Command, Scott Air Force Base, Illinois. 26 Feb Feb Evaluates adequacy of current policy in terms of its ability to achieve command objectives. Ive gotta serve for them. Or, c. Creative Professional, (See 5 CFR, 551.209 ) (The primary duty requires invention and originality in a recognized artistic field (music, writing, etc.) 1,182 were here. He most recently served. Gen. David P. Warshaw, director (Individual Mobilization Augmentee), Intelligence Operations, Defense Threat Reduction Agency, Fort Belvoir, Virginia. He most recently served as commander (Troop Program Unit), U.S. Army Reserve Element, U.S. Central Command J2, Headquarters, Tampa, Florida. German Army delegation visit enhances partnership with US Army in Alaska December 6, 2022. Brig. 1. Scott Longstreet/Army) Fifteen general officer . Gen. Joshua M. Rudd, deputy commanding general (Operations), 25th Infantry Division, Schofield Barracks, Hawaii, to commander, Special Operations Command Pacific, U.S. Special Operations Command, Camp H. M. Smith, Hawaii. Gen. Christopher L. Eubank, commandant, U.S. Army Signal School, to commanding general, 7th Signal Command; and deputy commanding general, U.S. Army, Network Enterprise Technology Command, Fort Gordon, Georgia. The world virtually came to a halt, Gen. Charles A. Flynn said about the pandemic. [2], The current Commanding General, United States Army Pacific is General Charles A. Flynn, who succeeded General Paul LaCamera in a change of command ceremony on June 3, 2021. Following their . During the Vietnam War, the command provided the same support to United States Army Vietnam. Wyatt Olson is based in the Honolulu bureau, where he has reported on military and security issues in the Indo-Pacific since 2014. |g?nL;p7[+{ZemW9nb -gR*ldQs5yu? Maj. Gen. Donna W. Martin, commanding general, U.S. Army Maneuver Support Center of Excellence and Fort Leonard Wood, Fort Leonard Wood, Missouri, to provost marshal general/commanding general, U.S. Army Criminal Investigation Command, Washington, District of Columbia. Gen. (Promotable) Stephen G. Smith, commandant, U.S. Army Field Artillery School, U.S. Army Fires Center of Excellence, Fort Sill, Oklahoma, to deputy commanding general, I Corps, Joint Base Lewis-McChord, Washington. ** Incumbent is required to submit a Financial Disclosure Statement, OGE-450, (5CFR Part 2634, Subpart I USOGE, 6/08). b. 3 0 obj Gen. Heidi J. Hoyle, commandant, U.S. Army Ordnance School, U.S. Army Sustainment Center of Excellence, Fort Lee, Virginia, to commanding general, 20th Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear, Explosives Command, Aberdeen Proving Ground, Maryland. Incumbent may be required to temporarily work extended and irregularly tours of duty to include days, nights, shifts and weekend.2. Sign up to receive a daily email of today's top military news stories from Stars and Stripes and top news outlets Flynn said the centers exportable version can deliver live, virtual and constructive training to allies and partners. It is the army component unit of the United States Indo-Pacific Command, and its mission is to support the Commander, United States Indo-Pacific Command. In 1990 WESTCOM was renamed USARPAC. Help us combat imposters: There are times that the names and images of U.S. Army Europe and Africa leadership have been used to fraudulently victimize or scam people. Gen. FrederickChoo,chief of staff for the Singapore Army, said U.S. presence in the region help both nations strive toward the same objective. He is the 32nd Deputy Commander since USPACOM was established on Jan 1, 1947.Born in New Orleans, LA, he grew up in Seymour, TN and was commissioned in May 1987 as a U.S. Army Officer (Infantry), from the University . OPM INTRO TO THE POSITION CLASSIFICATION STANDARDS, AUG 1991; Revised AUG 20092. Brown will retire from a 38-year Army career next month with an official ceremony on the mainland. Brig. Position is designated Emergency Essential (E-E) in support of mobilization and wartime mission. Maj. Gen. John B. Richardson, deputy chief of staff, G-3/5/7, U.S. Army Forces Command, Fort Bragg, North Carolina, to deputy commanding general, III Corps, Fort Hood, Texas. Likes. Stock photos, 360 images, vectors and videos. (Wyatt Olson/Stars and Stripes). In 2001, he and his wife were married. WESTCOM took command of Army forces in Hawaii. 3 Following. Col. (Promotable) Lance G. Curtis, deputy director of Readiness, Strategy, and Operations, Office of the Deputy Chief of Staff, G-4, U.S. Army, Washington, District of Columbia, to commander, 3d Expeditionary Sustainment Command, Fort Bragg, North Carolina. Despite challenges due to the pandemic, Flynn said USARPAC has still been able to strengthen interoperability under three efforts: joint training in austere environments, overseas exercises and the use of new formations. Employee will be required to remain in the position in the event of hostilities or mobilization until relieved by proper authority. While much of the region is ocean, it is home to seven of the worlds 10 largest armies and nearly 2 billion people. 4. The application of modern or emerging concepts, trends, and technological change to the day-to-day responsibilities of this position requires quantitative analytical skills and the ability to integrate ideas from diverse sources into cohesive plans of action for the future.At the same time, there is also the requirements to translate concrete and immediate Army requirements into realistic command policies and procedures that can be understood at the field level. Leaders In 1979 the Army established US Army Western Command (WESTCOM) as a major command and the Army component of US Pacific Command. Evaluates work accomplished by staff. During his familiarization tour of the Korean peninsula, Maj. Gen. Chris R. Smith, the Australian Deputy Commanding General to the U.S. Army Pacific, paid a visit to Camp Casey, South Korea . Frequently, in the absence of the Chief of Staff, the incumbent works special projects at the direct request from the ASCC Commanding General and/or Deputy Commanding Generals. USARPAC has the largest area of operations of any U.S. Army command that covers half the globe and consists of 36 nations. Land power in this region is absolutely critical and it has been for a long time, Flynn told the audience. The commander of a combatant command is responsible to the President and to the Secretary of Defense for the performance of missions assigned to that command by the President or by the Secretary with the approval of the President. General Charles A. Flynn assumed command of the United States Army's largest Service Component Command, U.S. Army Pacific (USARPAC), on June 4, 2021. . ; non-manual work directly related to the management or general business operations of the employer or its customers), AND job duties require exercise of discretion & independent judgment. Golan Heights, 2002; Platoon Commander, United Nations Assistance Mission, Rwanda, 1995. )D (3_U9N F zYHGl AL(@`\O8&F#GT3ards'c$Z2 | Z yX(' nRB>FA(6|". Based on the primary work of this position not being classifiable in any other series, the 0301 series is appropriate. YOKOSUKA, Japan -- U.S. and Japan Self-Defense Forces (JSDF) concluded Resilient Shield 2023 onboard Commander, Fleet Activities Yokosuka, Japan, and various command centers throughout the region, Feb. 23. Maj. Gen. Stephen J. Maranian, deputy commanding general, U.S. Army Combined Arms Center; provost, Army University; and deputy commandant, U.S. Army Command and General Staff College, Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, to commandant, U.S. Army War College, Carlisle Barracks, Pennsylvania. RM 2M5M8BT - The director of The Center for Excellence in Disaster Management, Joseph Martin, greats the deputy commander of U.S. Army Pacific, Maj. Gen. Neal. The task force was first tested in 2016 when the Army fired shore-based missiles to sink a ship at sea during the Rim of the Pacific drills in Hawaii. Gen. Vincent F. Malone II, deputy commanding general, Combat Capabilities Development Command; and senior commander, Natick Soldier Systems Center, U.S. Army Futures Command, Natick, Massachusetts, to program executive officer, U.S. Army Joint Program Executive Office, Armaments and Ammunition; and commanding general, Picatinny Arsenal, New Jersey. Gen. Kris A. Belanger, commander, (Troop Program Unit), 85th U.S. Army Reserve Support Command (West), Arlington Heights, Illinois, to deputy commanding general, (Individual Mobilization Augmentee), U.S. Army Human Resources Command, Fort Knox, Kentucky. Subordinate Commands 1 0 obj Brig. The connections we form arent just between our armies. William Jacobsen, the company commander, was among the dead. Graham Jr. Frank M Frank CSM USA Command Sergeant Major, 8th Theater Sustainment Command Honolulu HI Haerter Frederick A Rick SGM ARNG Senior Enlisted Advisor to Deputy Commanding General, USARPAC Fort Shafter HI Hairston Demetric M D Hairston CMDCM USN Command Master Chief, SEA 21/CNRMC Washington DC I think that its important, as like-minded nations, we keep this stability going, to keep this flow of oxygen going, so we can continue to thrive.. 117-49] the fiscal year 2022 national defense authorization budget request for the department of the army 117th congress (2021-2022) "The world. Gen. Michael E. Sloane, program executive officer, Simulations, Training, and Instrumentation, Orlando, Florida, to program executive officer, Intelligence, Electronic Warfare, and Sensors, Aberdeen Proving Ground, Maryland. endobj Gen. Jeffrey Van Antwerp; 1st Multi-Domain Task Force commanding general, Brig. Brig. USARPAC has sent forces on multiple humanitarian missions, disaster relief, and defense support of civil authorities. Gen. Bernard J. Harrington; and other staff members. Shift work may be required on a 24/7 basis and also may be necessary during exercises, crises, or contingencies. Col. (Promotable) David F. Stewart, deputy commander (Operations), U.S. Army Space and Missile Command, Peterson Air Force Base, Colorado, to commander, 32d Army Air and Missile Defense Command, Fort Bliss, Texas. Gen. Joy L. Curriera, director of operations, Deputy Chief of Staff, G-9, U.S. Army, Washington, District Of Columbia, to commandant, The Dwight D. Eisenhower School for National Security and Resource Strategy, National Defense University, Washington, District Of Columbia. Maj. Gen. William K. Gayler, director, J-3 Operations/Cyber, U.S. Africa Command, Germany, to chief of staff, U.S. Africa Command, Germany. The units are designed to counter anti-access/area denial, or A2/AD, capabilities and include an intelligence, cyberspace, electronic warfare and space detachment. The program is open to all CGSOC students. Col. (Promotable) John C. Hafley, commander (Troop Program Unit), 11th Military Police Brigade, Los Alamitos, California, to deputy commander - Support, 88th Readiness Division, Fort McCoy, Wisconsin. Provided the same support to United States became a major power in the event of hostilities or mobilization relieved! Not being classifiable in any other series, the Hawaiian Department became subordinate to position., United nations Assistance mission, for the Soldiers, for the Soldiers, for Soldiers! Stock Photos, 360 images, vectors and videos at Fort Shafter, Hawaii Washington, District of Columbia that... Uspacom AOR.Factor 6/7 of Operations of any U.S. Army Pacific ( usarpac ), located at Fort Shafter,.... 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