Note: rates are changed regularly. However, you can still fall victim and should protect yourself accordingly. Your email address will not be published. The best district to live in is Hietzing, Neubau, Josefstadt, or further away, Dobling. Published on Jan 3, 2023. However, sometimes they can extend up to 15 years after the penalty. The folder supports Vienna City Administration employees producing, analysing and interpreting gender statistics and data on equality. This year's edition begins with an overview of recent . One thing that you should be paying attention to as a visitor in Vienna is your walking path, meaning to follow pedestrian routes and not walk on bicycle tracks. I live in Austria and know people who have been murdered, rap3ed and injured due to knife/gun attacks. Order our free brochures and posters (no shipping charges): The concise folder sums up key information on Vienna as a habitat, on its population, the local economy, politics and public administration. [2] Residential burglaries are a significant concern, especially in the more affluent areas. Many Stabbings and lots of Drug Trafficking here Full of drug dealing everywhere. Vienna and Austria are some of the safest places in the world; based on the peacefulness index while the crime rate is very low. Additionally, you have the right to a private trial. Petty theft and pickpocketing can happen in urban areas like Vienna. In general, Vienna has good quality air, high-quality drinking water, and plenty of green areas, so this adds to health hazards being very low. There are very few tourist traps, such as overpriced restaurants and cafes, costly and low-quality souvenirs, and so on, but all these establishments have clearly marked prices and menus and it is easy to avoid them. How safe is Vienna (and Austria) for tourists and to move around? Similarly near the famed St Stephens Cathedral and the city's largest train stations. If you are relocating abroad, it is important to know how the country handles crime when it comes to its citizens and those from abroad. It is here that many of this historic city's landmarks are found including the Hofburg, the former Habsburg palace that houses the National Library, the Spanish Riding School, and six museums. Typically, you have the right to access the files pertaining to your case. There are three forms of divorce available under Austrian law. Over all, the agencies said, crime has declined in the Austrian capital over the past decade. Please note that not all content is translated or available to residents of all countries. It was higher than in 28.8% U.S. cities. Buyer beware if it's unbelievably cheap and too good to be true, then it probably is. A great part of Austria's prominence can be attributed to its geographic position. Usually, for driving under the influence, the fines are much higher and result in the loss of license for a period of time. Austria's current population growth rate is a slow 0.52%. In 2020, total crime decreased by 11.3 percent, while the clearance rate increased to 54.2 percent. Austria (German: sterreich) officially the Republic of Austria is a member of the European Union since 1 January 1995. . You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. This issue of Vienna Statistics Journal "Statistik Journal Wien 2/2014" covers basic methodology and contents with respect to gender data as well as adequate interpretation and analysis. . * Includes multiple enrolments at different universities. There were a total of 54 intentional homicides in Austria in 2017. Please check what is exchange rate and . Implemented since 2020, the new hate crime recording system represents a good practice in the region. Do you live in Vienna? Though Austria homicide rate fluctuated substantially in recent years, it tended to increase through 2001 - 2020 period ending at 0.7 cases per 100,000 population in 2020. The city largely benefits from regular police patrols and a high number of police officers in general. Other than TBE, the overall health risk in Vienna (and Austria) is very low. It . However, if there is a reason that you may not testify at trial, a magistrate might also be present. Alternatively, you can submit a report via a third party in writing with your signature. Vienna Population 2022. Generally speaking, crime is fairly uncommon across the board with most reports concerning pickpocketing. Notably, if you dont speak German, you have the right to an interpreter free of charge. But worry not, this is not a problem, being drunk does not necessarily mean violence so this shouldnt be an issue. What is homicide rate? also many cities in the US and Mexico), it is still the safest city (when you think about that Vienna has a population of nearly 2.000.000 inhabitants) on earth. Yes, I'm willing to do a survey, Copyright 2009-2023 Numbeo. In case of an emergency, you can call the universal number for emergencies 112 from any phone. Austria is in the process of making changes to its deportation laws for asylum seekers. Violent crime > Intentional homicide rate : Homicides per 100'000 residents. In Austria, the Vienna Region also stands out due to its excellent quality of life. Vienna ends Australian city's winning streak due to downgraded threat of militant attacks and low crime rate Vienna has displaced Melbourne at the top of the Economist Intelligence Unit's . Vienna is a safe place to visit for everybody families, children, women solo travelers. Districts 1 through 9 make up the center of the city. The sentence for rape ranges from six months up to ten years in prison. Pickpockets, for example, may be about in busy areas (particularly during the Christmas markets) and on packed trams and trains. Homicide is a broader category than murder, as it also includes manslaughter. If you are submitting a written report, try to include any possible evidence along with the facts of the crime. The Smartraveller site says there's been an increase in the number of incidents where pockets and bags have been slashed open - and passports and wallets have been taken. The ring road, called Ringstrasse,circles the CBD, known to the Viennese as the"Innere Stadt" (1st District). While the capital Vienna's ring road is dominated by stunning Baroque architecture, lush green lawns, beautifully kept museums and music halls, there are areas where extra precautions should be taken. Other areas that can attract pickpockets and con artists include the busy square Karlsplatz in Wieden (4th District) where tourists flock to see the domed church Karlskirche in the daytime that becomes a haven for drug addicts at night. "Austria 2012 Crime and Safety Report", United States Department of State, Overseas Security Advisory Council, 13 March 2012. Yes, there are problems, though they're easily dealt with by police force. Vienna has a rich and diverse nightlife and it will be a pity to miss it when you are here. The Change Group, address: Neuer Markt 2, 1010 Wien, telephone: +43 1 9610666. Currently, Austrias online hate speech laws are being drawn up and will allow for a free of charge cease and desist order for victims of online hate speech. Expatica helps make your expat journey the experience you've always wanted. Get by Email RSS. The risk of extreme weather is low to medium (depending on the season). Your use of this service is subject to our Before you visit the majestic snow-capped Alps in Austria, here are some tips to ensure your experience on the slopes is a safe one. Ride on public transport is safe and pleasant. The city largely benefits from regular police patrols and a high number of police officers in general. Most (over 60%) were targeting Muslims and migrants and were online. Also, Vienna is ranked as the most livable city in the world several times in a row and there is a good reason for it. 8th district (my favourite): Similarly, separated parents have a wide scope for making their own childcare arrangements. Vienna is situated in the far east of Austria and is very nearly the largest speaking . There were a total of 54 intentional homicides in Austria in 2017. The Austrian capital Vienna has nudged out Melbourne as the world's most liveable city, though both came out with scores of 99 out of 100. The number rose by 6.4% in 2020 to 585 nationwide, according to an annual report by the Anti-Semitism Reporting Office, which officially represents Austria's Jews, the Jewish Community of Vienna . In 2018, the robbery rate for Austria was 26.9 cases per 100,000 population. Anxious tourists can now heave a heavy sigh of relief knowing that the Austrian capital is actually one of the safest cities in the world. 1. Of the nearly 21,000 officially approved asylum. Personal crime rates are exceedingly low. Despite all that good news, you should still take the same care you would when travelling to any large European city, particularly as regards parks and around transport facilities late at night. Vienna to Hallstatt by car. In 2019, Austria began improving its hate crime recording mechanisms based on a series of study visits, research and consultations, including with civil society. Therefore, tourists and soon-to-be Vienna visitors keep wondering: how safe is Vienna really? Call the hotel/hostel that the site is advertising and check if they have heard of it, or know their accommodation is being mentioned on it. In this case, the offender and his or her lawyer, along with other victims, are able to be present and ask questions. Typically, administrative authorities deal with traffic misdemeanors with the points system. If you are carrying a backpack, make sure it is closed, and if you want to feel safer, carry it in your hands. The distance between Hallstatt and Vienna is around 300km and the fastest route will take you a good 180-200 minute drive. Austria murder/homicide rate for 2019 was 0.86, a 11.1% decline from 2018. According to data compiled by the Austrian Interior Ministry, nearly one out of three asylum seekers in Vienna was accused of crimes in 2015. Women travelers can also travel alone without major concerns. Safe travels and see you soon! While serving a prison sentence, prisoners have a structured routine and spend most of their time outside of their cells. Illicit drug markets have global dimensions and require coordinated responses on a comparable scale. (212) 419-8219 There is a group of about ten people with very organized performance, where one person is hiding a small ball under three matchbox boxes and asking passersby to guess where the ball is. Austria is one of the safest holiday destinations in the world, and fortunately has been spared any major acts of terrorism. However, the US Government still warns that its open borders (Austria borders with eight European countries - Germany, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Slovenia, Italy, Liechtenstein and Switzerland) could leave it vulnerable to terrorist groups entering and leaving anonymously. There can be no talks on Ukraine without Ukraine - MFA Austria. Crime rate is low everywhere in Vienna, but unfortunately you can see drug dealers by the train stations in many other districts, too. Prison sentences are mainly linked with drug trafficking, which is generally punished with imprisonment. Vienna is home to the Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra, one of the best orchestras in the world.And even among the world's greatest conductors, it is an honour to take the lead at the New Years Day Concert, held at the Golden Hall of the Musikverein every year on the 1st of January.. Vienna is (normally) relatively safe for a city approaching 2 million inhabitants. This includes watching out for any suspicious emails or phone calls from individuals masquerading as bank tellers or government officials. Usually, parents will share joint parental responsibility. The Vienna Boy's Choir inspires music lovers around the globe with their great voices. In 2019, Vienna was ranked the sixth-best city in the world for personal safety. The 2019 Vienna crime rate rose by 22% compared to 2018. Further information Questions and answers on the Mercer study - Wien 1x1 (German) Nonetheless, the overall risk of terror attacks in Vienna is medium to low. New safety ranking In 2019 Mercer published a separate ranking on personal safety, which analyses the cities' crime levels, personal freedom and other safety factors. Your email address will not be published. Even when you go from venue to venue or you take public transport well past midnight, you will be safe to do so, without much of a concern. Public transport underground, buses and trams are considered very safe to use due to the comprehensive network of CCTV cameras covering stations and vehicles and frequent patrolling of security staff at stations and on the transport as well (and especially on the underground). These are things that you are likely only to experience if you live here though. Coronavirus (COVID-19) and travel: The situation around the world is changing dramatically. The capital of Austria has an international reputation for the high quality of life, low crime rates and is often referred to as a gateway to Eastern Europe due to geographic, political, and historical reasons. Intentional homicide does not include all intentional killing; the difference is usually in the organization of the killing. If you have been witness to a crime in Austria, you may need to go in for an interview to give testimony. Vienna's population of 1.9 million was 28 percent of the country's entire population in 1934. In the case of dishonorable or serious immoral conduct, a spouse may file for divorce. Police usually intervene very quickly for these scams. Essentially, they are working, partaking in educational activities, in treatment, or playing sports or leisure activities. Public transport is safe at all hours and the touristy parts of the city are very safe to walk at anytime as are the vast majority of streets. The official currency for Vienna is Euro and the below is today's foreign exchange rate at Vienna airport. Fines must be paid within 14 days. You can walk alone on the streets at night as a woman without anything to fear about. In Austria, fraud is separated into aggravated fraud, commercial fraud, and insurance fraud. Alsergrund. If you are a foreigner and a victim of a crime in Austria, you have the same rights mentioned above as a regular Austrian citizen. Vienna and Austria are some of the safest places in the world; based on the peacefulness index while the crime rate is very low. The Austrian capital of Vienna has been named best city for quality of life for the tenth year in a row. Moreover, the country enjoys friendly relations with its neighbors, which dont question its independence and dont induce instability in the region. World Drug Report 2012. Vienna was the capital of a large multi-national empire under the German-speaking Habsburg dynasty for five centuries. Vienna is very safe; it is ranked on average as number 3 to 5 on the worlds safest country list (on various indexes). In Austria, hate crimes where any person is violent towards another for reasons of race, color of skin, language, religion, sex, disability, age, or sexual orientation faces imprisonment up to two years. Additionally, district administrative authorities report to the Regional Police. With respect to Vienna, the crime rate is considered to be low for crime categories such as homicides, robberies, sexual assault, and drug-related crimes. Top 10 places to visit in Austria in 2023, The Best Vienna Hotels For Every Type Of Traveler, Kohlmarkt Vienna high end shopping on a historical street, Money, banks and ATMs in Vienna (and Austria), Mariahilferstrasse the main shopping street and more, Karlsplatz station and Gumpendorfer Strasse, North of Westbahnhof along the Neubaugrtel. All the protests are scheduled in advance and are approved by authorities to provide proper safety and they are usually very streamlined. However, if you are planning to do hiking a bit outside of Vienna during the summer, beware of ticks, as they can attack you and possibly transmit a disease. Crime. Usual times for protests are in the afternoon between 3 and 5 PM, so they will not mess up your sightseeing too much when they happen. (Find a Mozart or Strauss concert for visitors ), (Accommodation search provided by*), Disclaimer: I try and keep all information as up-to-date as possible, but check with official websites for certainty before you take a trip or make a purchase*I accept no payments from websites to talk about them or their products in an article. According to, Vienna's general crime rate currently stands at 21.15%. Therefore, the safety risk for solo travelers is low. Despite the low crime rates in Vienna, there is still the risk of becoming a victim, so basic safety rules should always be remembered. be especially cautious of people who suddenly rush to your aid with offers of help, asking for your PIN to get the card out. The city has everything you need for a nice and fulfilled life, and this includes safety. However, if they wish to file for full custody, they must do so with the court. The Covid-19 pandemic has positively affected Austria's crime statistics. In the last 5 years Vienna has seen rise of violent crime and decreasing property crime. Shows how much people think the problem in their community are property crimes (home broken, car theft, etc. Information about crime in Austria. . Ive lived here over 25 years and the only time I felt personally threatened was when a rather dishevelled-looking man approached me on an empty tram and pulled what I thought was a knife from his jacket. By clicking Accept, you consent to the use of ALL the cookies. Vienna came in 6 th place in this ranking behind Luxemburg, Helsinki, Basel, Bern and Zurich. Outside of the current pandemic with COVID-19, there are no notable health risks in Vienna you should be concerned with. US intelligence states that there has been significant radicalization of immigrant Muslim individuals and small groups, and increased use of the internet for propaganda purposes. So, let's see various aspects of safety in Vienna for tourists and visitors. Almost every aspect of safety in Vienna also applies to Austria as a whole. I found it much, MUCH safer compared to the states. Crime rates in Austria. Statistics Statistics. [1]According to this ranking, violent crime and homicides constituted the lowest portions of crime and were almost unnoticeable compared to other countries. Drivers follow the rules and stop at pedestrian crossings without exceptions. Interchange Austria, address: Stephansplatz 9, 1010 Wien, telephone: +43 1 5339622. Baby Names in Vienna 2021: Top 10 Girls (160 KB PDF), Baby Names in Vienna 2021: Top 10 Boys (160 KB PDF), Open Government Data: First names of newborn babies in Vienna - First names of newborns in Vienna since 2010, aggregation by sex and spelling or pronunciation in German. Compared to other places it is relatively safe, yet there are people here who will beat you up. The crime rate in Vienna is by far the highest in Austria, though. This may either be from the offender or from the state. Vienna is relatively safe. But one must keep in mind that we only have about . Furthermore, if a couple has chosen to live apart for three years or more, either spouse may file for divorce. Austria joined NATO's Partnership for Peace in 1995, and participates in NATO's Euro-Atlantic Partnership Council. Political and social unrests risks. In Vienna, Austria, the average high-temperature in September drops from a warm 26.6C (79.9F) in August to a pleasant 21.1C (70F). [1], Pickpockets and purse snatchers can be found in the highly populated areas, including areas frequented by tourists, bus and train stations, and on subways. Scams wise (, avoid buying from the touts dressed as Mozart in long velvet capes. | 1051 Budapest, Hungary Level of crime: 23.54: Low: Crime increasing in the past 3 years: 56.47 . So, before you even leave the hostel/hotel, leave valuables (including your passport) and large amounts of cash in the safe or ask reception how it can be secured. State of crime and criminal justice worldwide (2015) - Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian, Spanish World crime trends and emerging issues and responses in the field of crime prevention and criminal justice (2014) - Arabic, Chinese, English , French, Russian , Spanish However, in cases of aggravated fraud (using a false legal document or damages exceeding 5,000), the punishment is imprisonment for up to three years. Vienna, Austria, is divided into 23 districts. [7], Most criminal activity is focused in the larger metropolitan areas.[2]. Interessantes gibt es unter anderem im Hinblick auf das Vorkommen von Adipositas und Herz-Kreislauf-Erkrankungen unter Bewohnern von sterreichs Pflege- bzw. This is a dangerous disease and if untreated can be fatal in some cases. Reported crime then fell by 12.2% in 2020 and a further 5.4% in 2021. 9. Murder can result in life imprisonment in Austria for 15 years, but up to the remainder of the offenderslife if clemency is not approved. If your card gets stuck in an ATM (every traveler's nightmare!) by Oleksandr Vasylenko, Alumni Scholarship Recipient and LLM student in the Department of Legal Studies. If so, grill them with questions about the accommodation they are advertising. The punishment for this can be imprisonment for up to three years if the value exceeds 50,000. Es ist verwunderlich, wie man daran schuldig sein kann, Flchtlingen oder Betrunkenen begegnet zu haben, und demzufolge beraubt zu werden. As for violent crimes, the daily average in Vienna, is 3.46 times less than the Virginia average, and it is 6.43 times less than the national average. Contact us for full details. Interchange Austria, address: Vienna Airport Terminal 1, Vienna-Schwechat 1300, telephone: +43 1 7007 39535. Then, the Regional Police Directorates acts as the federal authorities in individual provinces. Vienna is not only Austrias centre of research and development, but also well placed on a European scale. New bills in parliament will allow authorities to seize up to 840 of cash, which they say they will use to pay for the upkeep of migrants awaiting processing for their asylum claims. You should be vigilant as you should be anywhere in the world, but overall, Vienna is a very safe city to visit and enjoy to the fullest. VIENNA, June 9 (Reuters) - Austria made 81 of the more than 800 arrests that were part of a global sting against organised crime, the Austrian government said on Wednesday. The rate of crime in Vienna is 12.63 per 1,000 residents during a standard year. [6] According to British criminal Colin Blaney in his autobiography Undesirables, British thieves and confidence tricksters have targeted Austria on account of the fact that it is viewed as a soft touch due to its relatively low crime rates. If you are renting a bicycle or a scooter, you will need to follow local traffic rules and use only dedicated paths. Additionally, in cases of damages exceeding 300,000, imprisonment can be up to 10years. If both spouses are to blame for the divorce, but one spouse needs support, the court may order that the spouse get maintenance. This equates to more than 1% of the population. Altersheimen zu wissen. Make sure that the web address starts with https:// and the padlock appears on your browser. Data excellence provides a sound basis for future decisions on the policy level. This took the international community and terrorism experts by surprise since Vienna and Austria are not considered targets of the international terror groups. With a low fertility rate of 1.53 births per woman that is expected to continue decreasing in the coming years, the population growth rate will slow as well. Viennas premier middle-class neighborhood and bridge between the city's center and outskirt suburbs. Effectively, thesterreichische Justiz (Judiciary of Austria) resolves disputes between residents or between residents and the government, as well as holding criminals accountable, and maintaining the Austrian and European constitutions. If the value is 0, it means it is perceived as very low, and if the value is 100, it means it is perceived as very high. This includes cyberspace attacks, transnational terrorism, dissemination of weapons of mass destruction, and globalization of regional conflicts. Praterstern is also not recommended. With its mix of tables and figures, it is a valuable source of information. On November 2, 2020, a terrorist attack happened in Vienna, where a lone gunman killed 4 and injured 22 people. Notably, in Austria, lawyers are not able to charge commissions or brokerage fees. There is a high level of personal and social security, political stability, and legal certainty. Official statistics show crime in Vienna dropped over 10% in 2018 to a 19-year low with a subsequent slight 2.6% rise in 2019. If you call your corresponding police station and quote this number, you can get in touch with the officer in charge of your case. Austria is a stable country with functional democracy and institutions. The 27 Austrian prisons and their 13 outposts have detained 8,800 persons over the last few years. In Austria, the majority of minor crimes are break-ins, pick-picketing, vandalism, and drug offenses. Required fields are marked *. Try our business solution for free! Vienna has nice weather during most of the year. Please check your download folder. In Austria, violent crime has been receding in the past years, whereas more than four fifth of all crime is solved (source: Bundeskriminalamt). There is an active warning for visitors to avoid public parks during thunderstorms. For example, (Vienna dropped to 12th in the EIUs 2021 ranking thanks to the COVID situation in Europe! As such, it is important to maintain strong passwords and be aware of potential scams. Weather - Continental climate in Austria is characterized by cold winters with the temperature below -20C and very hot summers with the temperature up to 35C. Austria murder/homicide rate for 2020 was 0.72, a 16.06% decline from 2019. So, the final verdict: is Vienna safe? Vienna at night is safe, almost as much as during the day, the only difference being that at night you might encounter drunk people (more than you do during the day, anyway). Several significant Austrian corruption cases took place during the 2000s involving land and regional officials, high-level public officials, the central government and, in one instance, the former Chancellor. The DUMA program has been operating since 1999 and collects drug use and criminal justice information quarterly from police detainees at multiple sites across Australia. Helpfully, the Austria pro bono directory provides information on legal aid for refugees. We now have a huge problem with knives and refugees. There are normal residents there, but these abovementioned districts to be avoided are places where you will find the greatest burden to the social security system; addicts, beggars (not those with genuine difficulties but younger ruffians who ask for money rather than look for a job), alcohol abusers etc who made me wonder why did the government allow this to happen. : homicides per 100 & # x27 ; s center and outskirt suburbs an ATM ( every traveler 's!. Traveler 's nightmare! persons over the past 3 years: 56.47 with police! At trial, a spouse may file for Full custody, they are usually streamlined... 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